What is the Goodyear tire symbol?

The Wingfoot symbol
The Wingfoot symbol is Goodyear’s trademark symbol that is known in every country around the world. The symbol was based off the Greek God Mercury, because Seiberling felt that Mercury embodied many characteristics that Goodyear products were know for.

Why did Goodyear choose their logo?

There were several sketches depicting different elements of the statue. Out of them, the participants chose the sketch where the winged foot of Mercury was drawn. Then, they agreed that the symbol should be placed right in the middle of the word “Goodyear.”

What is the foot with wings called?

The Talaria of Mercury (Latin: tālāria or The Winged Sandals of Hermes Ancient Greek: πτηνοπέδῑλος, ptēnopédilos or πτερόεντα πέδιλα, pteróenta pédila) are winged sandals, a symbol of the Greek messenger god Hermes (Roman equivalent Mercury).

Why does Goodyear have Hermes shoes?

In the old Seiberling home in Akron, Ohio, there stood a statue of Mercury, the Roman god (known to Greeks as Hermes). The statue drew Seiberling’s attention, and he felt that the god it portrayed embodied many of the characteristics for which Goodyear products were known.

What is the meaning of Goodyear?

English: probably a nickname from Middle English gode ‘good’ (Old English god) + year, yere ‘year’, bestowed on someone who frequently used the expression, perhaps in the sense ‘(as I hope to have a) good year’ or as a New Year salutation.

What does Goodyear mean?

[ good-yeer ] SHOW IPA. / ˈgʊdˌyɪər / PHONETIC RESPELLING. noun. Charles, 1800–60, U.S. inventor: developer of the process of vulcanizing rubber.

What Greek god had winged shoes?

Hermes is considered the herald of the gods. He is also considered the protector of human heralds, travellers, thieves, merchants, and orators. He is able to move quickly and freely between the worlds of the mortal and the divine, aided by his winged sandals.

Who wears winged shoes?

His array of powers made Hermes a contribution among the gods. Hermes makes an appearance in the myths of two most popular Greek heroes; Perseus and Odysseus. Hermes appearance was portrayed through his use of a large staff, his winged shoes, and his large, straw-brimmed hat.

Does the Goodyear Blimp have a bathroom?

There’s no bathroom (or drink service), and the drone of the engines is so loud you have to wear a headset if you want to hear anyone say anything. Goodyear is in the process of replacing its three-blimp fleet with the Zeppelin NT, a semi-rigid ship that is 55 feet longer and much, much quieter.