What is evidence-based practice in midwifery?

Evidence-based midwifery practice aims to ensure that women receive the care that fits their needs, facilitates sound decision-making, reduces unnecessary and ineffective interventions, provides student midwives and other health professionals with the skills and knowledge to justify their practice, and minimises risk.

Is midwifery evidence-based?

Midwifery is a profession grounded in woman-centred and evidence-based maternal health care for the woman1. Midwifery is provided through professional relationships and respectful partnerships.

Can nurse midwives practice independently in Georgia?

Currently, only Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) that are licensed through the State Nursing Board are legally allowed to practice midwifery in the state of Georgia (Georgia Rules and Regulations, 511-5-1-.

Are certified midwives legal in Georgia?

For over twenty years, the Department’s regulations have permitted the practice of midwifery only by persons who are certified by the Georgia Board of Nursing to practice as certified nurse midwives.

Why evidence-based practice is important in midwifery?

Evidence-based midwifery practice is essential to ensuring that the care provided to childbearing women is safe, effective and of the best quality to meet their individual needs.

Can midwives be independent prescribers?

In order to prescribe medicinal products, nurses and midwives must have recorded their prescriber qualification on our register. There are two types of nurse or midwife prescribers. Community nurse or midwife prescribers; and independent and supplementary nurse or midwife prescribers.

Where do midwives make the most money?

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for Nurse-Midwives in 2020 was $115,540. Working as a CNM, you have the highest earning potential in California.

Is homebirth illegal in Georgia?

Georgia Law There is a common misconception that home birth is illegal in Georgia. In fact, families are free to choose the location of their birth. While most Certified Nurse-Midwives choose to work in the hospital setting, it is also within our scope of practice to attend birthing women in their homes.

How much does a midwife cost in Georgia?

Most midwives in GA and SC charge an average between $2500 and $4500. That is for all your care — prenatal, birth, newborn and postpartum.

What is nice evidence-based practice?

NICE guidelines are evidence-based recommendations for health and care in England. They set out the care and services suitable for most people with a specific condition or need, and people in particular circumstances or settings.