What does Aetna POS II mean?

Aetna Choice Point-of-Service II
Administered by Aetna, the Point-of-Service (POS) II plan doesn’t require a Primary Care Provider (PCP) or referrals, even when using in-network providers. You can go to any provider, but your out-of-pocket costs are based on the type of provider you use: In-Network Providers.

What kind of plan is Aetna Choice POS II?

network plan
The Aetna Choice POS II Plan is a network plan that gives you the freedom to select any licensed provider when you need care. It provides the highest level of benefits. This plan offers both in-network and out-of-network benefits; however, the plan’s reimbursement is higher when you use an in-network provider.

Is Aetna Choice POS II a high deductible health plan?

The Aetna Choice POS II Health Savings Account (HSA) is a high-deductible health plan, or “HDHP.” The Aetna Choice POS II HSA combines traditional medical coverage with a tax-free health savings account and consists of these key components: You must pay the deductible before the plan begins to pay.

What does Aetna PPO mean?

Preferred Provider Organization
A Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) has pricier premiums than an HMO or POS. But this plan allows you to see specialists and out-of-network doctors without a referral.

Which is better HSA or POS?

An HSA can help you to save money for medical expenses, while a PPO plan confers access to a network of healthcare providers. Can invest money in a way that has triple tax advantages. Low premiums. Greater flexibility for how money can be spent.

Which is better a HMO or PPO?

HMO plans typically have lower monthly premiums. You can also expect to pay less out of pocket. PPOs tend to have higher monthly premiums in exchange for the flexibility to use providers both in and out of network without a referral. Out-of-pocket medical costs can also run higher with a PPO plan.

Does Aetna POS II require referral?

With the Aetna Open Choice ® POS II plan, members can visit any doctor, hospital or facility, in or out of network, with no referrals. But depending on their plan, choosing a primary care physician (PCP) and staying in network could cost less.

Is POS same as PPO?

In general the biggest difference between PPO vs. POS plans is flexibility. A PPO, or Preferred Provider Organization, offers a lot of flexibility to see the doctors you want, at a higher cost. POS, or Point of Service plans, have lower costs, but with fewer choices.