What are the 4 types of recognition?

by Achievers

  • Informal recognition. Informal recognition includes every form of appreciation that isn’t planned in advance by your organization.
  • Formal recognition. Formal recognition encompasses many forms of appreciation that organizations have practiced for decades.
  • Social recognition.
  • Monetary recognition.

What are the criteria for Employee of the Month?


  • Dedicated to fulfilling job responsibilities.
  • Demonstrates good customer service skills.
  • Consistently dependable and is punctual in reporting to work.
  • Active involvement in committees, fund-raisers, fairs, trainings, and other miscellaneous activities.
  • Serves as a role model to others.

How do I make Employee of the Month fun?

10 Employee Of The Month Ideas Your Team Can Use Today

  1. Create A Traveling Award.
  2. Deliver A Custom Video Or Book For Each Winner.
  3. Schedule A Career Development Talk Based On Award Results.
  4. Host A Monthly Celebration Lunch.
  5. Offer Extra PTO For Award Winners.
  6. Give Out A One-Time Bonus.
  7. Pay For An Experience.

How do you create criteria for employee recognition awards?

How to develop criteria for awarding employees

  1. Length of service.
  2. Excellence in performance.
  3. Peer-to-peer communication and association.
  4. Leadership qualities.
  5. Personal accomplishments.
  6. Team accomplishments.
  7. Milestones crossed.
  8. Number of points earned according to a point system.

What are the 5 types of recognition are?

Who Gives Employee Recognition?

  • Top-Down Recognition. One of the most common types of employee recognition is from the top down.
  • Peer-to-Peer or Social Recognition.
  • Structured Recognition.
  • Unstructured Recognition.
  • Verbal vs.
  • Employee Reward Examples.
  • Public Praise.
  • Private Praise.

What are the 3 types of recognition?

There are three types of recognition that you can use to help your employees reach those goals: day-to-day, informal, and formal. This type of recognition gives immediate feedback on performance.

How do you structure an Employee of the Month program?

Setting Up an Employee of the Month Program

  1. Define Your Goals for Your Employee Recognition and Rewards Program. The employee of the month is supposed to be your organization’s chosen model for the workforce.
  2. Establish the Playing Field.
  3. Get Employee Buy-In for the Program.
  4. Select Worthy Incentives.
  5. Celebrate Award Winners.

What do you say to nominate Employee of the Month?

How to write an employee of the month nomination

  • Address the review committee.
  • Provide context.
  • Elaborate on the employee’s significant contribution to the company.
  • Mention how your team member helped you.

What is a recognition framework?

The Bersin & Associates Employee Recognition Framework® is a roadmap to creating a comprehensive recognition initiative and the individual programs that support that initiative, with the goal of helping organizations to capture as many of the potential benefits of recognition as possible.