What does you hustle and bustle meaning?

hustle and bustle (uncountable) A large amount of activity and work, usually in a noisy surrounding. He moved to his parents’ farm to have a break from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Does hustle mean busy?

If you hustle someone, you try to make them go somewhere or do something quickly, for example by pulling or pushing them along. The guards hustled Harry out of the car. Hustle is busy, noisy activity.

Where does the term hustle and bustle come from?

The meaning of the word changed to hurry or move quickly in 1812 and developed in American English as ‘hustle’ in the year 1840. The word ‘bustle’ stems from Old English ‘bersten’ and made its debut in Middle English in about 1350. ‘Bersten’ meant to act vigorously, to thrash about.

Is it hustle or hussle?

hus•tle. 1. to proceed or work rapidly or energetically. 2. to push or force one’s way; jostle or shove.

What’s another way to say hustle and bustle?

What is another word for hustle and bustle?

commotion bustle
fuss hubbub
turmoil chaos
confusion hurly-burly
activity events

How do you use hustle and bustle in a sentence?

Hustle-and-bustle sentence example

  1. Come and enjoy the hustle and bustle on the first Saturday of every month.
  2. As Essara watched the daily hustle and bustle unfold he idly plucked his harp.
  3. Reigate’s stunning surrounding countryside offers the perfect tonic to relax and leave the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

What does hustling mean in slang?

What does it mean to “hustle”, be hustling or be a “Hustler”? The slang terms “Hustle”, “Hustling” or a “Hustler” are nouns and verbs which are used by rappers in rap/hip-hop music to represent working hard and money making.

What’s the opposite of hustle and bustle?

What is the opposite of hustle and bustle?

calm serenity
sluggishness dullness
lethargy inertia
torpor inaction
immobility inactivity

What is mean hustle?

1 : shove, press. 2 : hasten, hurry you’d better hustle if you want to catch the bus. 3a : to make strenuous efforts to obtain especially money or business Our quartet was out hustling …

What is the real meaning of hustle?

1 : shove, press. 2 : hasten, hurry you’d better hustle if you want to catch the bus. 3a : to make strenuous efforts to obtain especially money or business Our quartet was out hustling … and we knew we stood good to take in a lot of change before the night was over.—

What does it mean when a woman is hustling?

Females Hustlers Stand up! The definition of a female hustler: (n.) Enterprising women who are determined to succeed; go-getters a.k.a. Goal Diggers.