What is government funded training?

Government funded course are any courses that are paid for entirely or in part by the government. The funding itself is actually managed by The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) which is an executive agency of the government. The ESFA funds a variety of standalone courses and apprenticeships.

What is a fully funded course?

fully-funded, which means that learners are not charged any tuition fees. co-funded, which means that they are partly funded by government. loan-funded, which means learners may be provided with financial support. funded entirely by learners themselves or their employers.

What courses are covered by Centrelink?

Approved Courses

  • BSB20115 Certificate II in Business.
  • SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality.
  • SIT20416 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations.
  • SHB20116 Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics.
  • SHB30115 Certificate III in Beauty Services.
  • BSB30415 Certificate III in Business Administration.

Can I do a Level 3 course for free?

You may also be eligible for FREE courses at Entry Level, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. Free for 19-23 year olds who do not already have a full Level 3 or above qualification**. We offer a range of vocational courses in many subjects, which may be free.

Can I get paid to study in Australia?

If you’re studying, training or doing an Australian Apprenticeship, you may get one of these payments: Youth Allowance for students and apprentices is financial help if you’re a student or apprentice aged 24 or younger. You must be either studying full time or doing a full time Australian Apprenticeship.

Can I do a course while on Jobseekers Allowance?

The Part-Time Education Option (PTEO) allows you to keep your Jobseeker’s Allowance or Jobseeker’s Benefit and attend a part-time day or evening course of education or training. You must continue to meet the conditions for Jobseeker’s Benefit or Jobseeker’s Allowance.