What is the hole on the back of my wood stove?

On our wood burning stove, both the primary and secondary air vents are located underneath, while the tertiary air vent is located on the back, which feeds air to the small holes located at the back of the firebox as shown below.

Which way does the baffle plate go?

Baffle plates are typically angled up towards the front of the stove. Because baffle plates are subject to the intense heat from fires, they are also generally made from a thick plate of metal.

What vents should be open on a wood burner?

Most wood burning stoves and multi-fuel stoves have a bottom air vent and a top air vent. Wood burns best with a good bed of ash laid down in the bottom of the stove and an air supply from the top. When lighting your stove, open both air vents fully.

Which way does stovepipe connect?

Stove pipe should always be installed with the “male-end-down”. Installing the pipe male-end-down allows creosote drippings to go back down into your stove instead of running down your pipe onto the stove or floor.

How do I know if my wood stove damper is open or closed?

Conduct a visual check. Lean in under your chimney just outside of your wood burning stove. You should find a metal device just within the chimney or flue opening. The damper is open if you can see through the damper up to your chimney. If you only see a metal plate, the damper is in a closed position.

Can you use a log burner without a baffle plate?

Operating a woodburner without a baffle is unlikely to cause any immediate risk of injury. What it does risk is causing irreparable damage to your stove. As we mentioned, the baffle is there to protect the inside of your stove from intense heat.

What are the two vents for on a log burner?

Inside the wood burning stove You should see the firebox, with air vents above and below the glass. The bottom vent is the primary vent and the top vent is the secondary vent. The vents let you adjust how quickly your fuel burns by controlling the air supply to the stove.

How do I know if the damper is open or closed?

Before lighting a fire, you can tell if the damper is open by placing your hand into the fireplace. If you feel a draft coming down the chimney, it is a good indicator that the damper is open. If you don’t feel any cold air coming down the chimney, it means that the damper is closed.

Which way up does flue pipe go?

Check that the liner is the correct way up, there is a small arrow approximately every one and a half meters on the outside of the liner, the arrow should be pointing up the chimney. Alternatively, you can rub your little finger up and down the inside of the bottom of the liner.

Which is the male end of a stove pipe?

One end of the pipe has 4 pre-drilled holes for the screws. This is the non-crimped (female) end. The end without the pre-drilled holes is the crimped (male) end.