What is another word for pass by?
What is another word for pass by?
In this page you can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for pass-by, like: move past, depart from, travel, pass, go past, not choose, take-care-of, travel by, omit, attend and pass over.
What is the synonym of the word PASS?
give over. [British], knock off, pack (up or in)
What is a diverting?
1a : to turn from one course or use to another : deflect divert traffic to a side street diverting funds to other projects. b : distract trying to divert her attention. 2 : to give pleasure to especially by distracting the attention from what burdens or distresses children diverting themselves with their toys.
What is the synonym of diverted?
In this page you can discover 46 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for divert, like: turn, avert, veer, distract, turn aside, deflect, amuse, deter, redirect, entertain and tickle.
What is the meaning of passed by?
to go or move past. 2. ( tr, adverb) to overlook or disregard.
Is it passed by or past by?
Passed is the past tense and past participle of the verb “to pass.” On the other hand, Past can be used as a noun, an adjective, an adverb, or a preposition: As a noun, “past” means a period of time that has gone by, that is already completed. As an adjective, it means completed, done with, or over.
What is the meaning of passing by?
: to happen without being noticed or acted upon by (someone) Don’t let this opportunity pass (you) by!
What is a leery?
Definition of leery : suspicious, wary —often used with of leery of strangersShe seemed a little leery of the proposal.
What is mean rerouted?
1 transitive : to send or direct (something) on or along a different route rerouting flights/traffic Bypassing roads, of course, was a prime consideration in rerouting the trail …— Paul Dunphy automatically reroutes incoming calls. 2 intransitive : to switch to a different route The storm forced planes/ships to reroute …
What do you mean by deflected?
Definition of deflect transitive verb. : to turn (something) aside especially from a straight course or fixed direction armor that deflects bullets deflecting attention from the troubled economy deflect a question. intransitive verb. : to turn aside : deviate the shot deflected off the goalie’s shoulder pad.