What triggers TRI reporting?

TRI Reporting Criteria If a facility meets the employee, industry sector, and chemical threshold criteria, it must report to the TRI Program.

What are the TRI reporting thresholds?

What Are the Thresholds for TRI Reporting?

  • manufactured 25,000 pounds or more of the toxic chemical in the reporting year;
  • processed 25,000 pounds or more of the toxic chemical in the reporting year; or.
  • otherwise used 10,000 pounds or more of the toxic chemical in the reporting year.

What is Article exemption?

Explanation of the Articles Exemption The articles exemption states that if a toxic chemical is present in an article at a covered facility, that facility is not required to consider the amount of the toxic chemical(s) contained in the article when calculating reportable quantities of TRI-listed chemicals.

Is TRI under TSCA?

For TRI Reporting Year 2021 (reporting forms due by July 1, 2022), the NDAA automatically added three PFAS to the TRI list because they are now subject to a significant new use rule under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

Is TRI part of Epcra?

TRI data support informed decision-making by communities, government agencies, companies, and others. Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) created the TRI.

Who is subject to TRI?

In general, chemicals covered by the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) Program are those that cause one or more of the following: Cancer or other chronic human health effects. Significant adverse acute human health effects. Significant adverse environmental effects.

Is Tri the same as Form R?

Form R, the Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI) Report, is a comprehensive annual report that documents the use and release of toxic chemicals that are commonly used in industry.

What chemicals are reported in Tri?

What Gets Reported in TRI Reporting?

  • Carcinogens.
  • Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxic (PBT) Chemicals.
  • Dioxin and Dioxin-Like Compounds.
  • Environmental Toxicity.
  • Many others.

Is zinc a TRI chemical?

Zinc in the form of fume or dust is otherwise used as ancillary or otherwise use. Zinc compounds are manufactured as byproducts and otherwise used as a chemical processing aid….Lesson Learned – Chemicals to Report on Form R/TRI.

Chemical Reporting Cateogry
Nickel O
Sulfuric Acid (Aerosol) O
Zinc (Fume or Dust) O
Zinc Compounds O,M

What is TRI EPA?

What is the TRI? The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is a resource for learning about toxic chemical releases and pollution prevention activities reported by industrial and federal facilities. TRI data support informed decision-making by communities, government agencies, companies, and others.