Who was Sthenelus?

Sthenelus, an Egyptian prince as one of the 50 sons of King Aegyptus. His mother was a Tyria and thus full brother of Clitus and Chrysippus. In some accounts, he could be a son of Aegyptus either by Eurryroe, daughter of the river-god Nilus, or Isaie, daughter of King Agenor of Tyre.

How is eurystheus related to Hercules?

Eurystheus is Hercules’ cousin and king of Mycenae and Tiryns. After Hera had tricked an oath out of Zeus that the boy born that day who was his descendant would become king, she caused Eurystheus to be born early and Hercules, who was due, was held back until Eurystheus was born.

Who are Perseus’s children?

Descendants. Perseus and Andromeda had seven sons: Perses, Alcaeus, Heleus, Mestor, Sthenelus, Electryon, and Cynurus, and two daughters, Gorgophone and Autochthe.

Who are Perseus’s parents?

DanaëPerseus / ParentsIn Greek mythology, Danaë was an Argive princess and mother of the hero Perseus by Zeus. She was credited with founding the city of Ardea in Latium during the Bronze Age. Wikipedia

Who was the first king of Argos?


Kings of Argos Regnal Years Syncellus
Precessor 1622 Apis
Argus 1604.5 Argus
Successor 1569.5 Criasus

What was Alcmene goddess of?

goddess of childbirth
According to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, while in labour, Alcmene was having great difficulty giving birth to such a large child. After seven days and nights of agony, Alcmene stretched out her arms and called upon Lucina, the goddess of childbirth (the Roman equivalent of Eileithyia).

Who was Megapenthes father?

In Greek mythology, Megapenthes (/ˌmɛɡəˈpɛnˌθiːz/; Ancient Greek: Μεγαπένθης Megapénthēs means “great sorrow”) is a name that refers to two characters: Megapenthes, a son of Proetus. Megapenthes, a son of Menelaus.

Is Percy Jackson based on Perseus?

Percy Jackson’s real name is Perseus, and he was named for a prominent hero in Greek mythology. Perseus is best known for killing Medusa, just as Percy himself did in this book. Following is an abridged version of the myth of Perseus. Just like Percy, Perseus was a demigod, the son of Zeus and Danae.

What is Argus the god of?

In Greek mythology, Argus Panoptes is a 100 eyed giant (Ἄργος Πανόπτης) or Argos was a primordial giant, guardian of Io and son of Alester. He was also called “all-seeing” and because of that was described as multi-eyed, strong creature, whose eyes would never sleep.