What is Wiktionary in English?
What is Wiktionary in English?
Wiktionary is a multilingual, web-based project to create a free content dictionary of terms (including words, phrases, proverbs, linguistic reconstructions, etc.) in all natural languages and in a number of artificial languages.
Where does the term lull come from?
lull (v.) early 14c., lullen “to calm or hush to sleep,” probably imitative of lu-lu sound used to lull a child to sleep (compare Swedish lulla “to hum a lullaby,” German lullen “to rock,” Sanskrit lolati “moves to and fro,” Middle Dutch lollen “to mutter”).
What does the Greek word stemma mean?
Definition of stemma 1 : a simple eye present in some insects. 2 : a scroll (as among the ancient Romans) containing a genealogical list. 3 : a tree showing the relationships of the manuscripts of a literary work.
How do you say sing in Old English?
Old English singan “to chant, sing, celebrate, or tell in song,” also used of birds (class III strong verb; past tense sang, past participle sungen), from Proto-Germanic *sengwan (source also of Old Saxon singan, Old Frisian sionga, Middle Dutch singhen, Dutch zingen, Old High German singan, German singen, Gothic …
What is the meaning of wikiversity?
Wikiversity is a Wikimedia Foundation project that supports learning communities, their learning materials, and resulting activities. It differs from Wikipedia in that it offers tutorials and other materials for the fostering of learning, rather than an encyclopedia; like Wikipedia, it is available in many languages.
What does lull mean in slang?
a : a temporary drop in business activity. b : a temporary calm before or during a storm.
What’s a babbling brook?
babbling brook (plural babbling brooks) (Australia, UK, rhyming slang) A cook, especially a cook working in the Australian outback or in military service.
What does filiation mean in English?
Definition of filiation 1a : filial relationship especially of a son to his father. b : the adjudication of paternity. 2a : descent or derivation especially from a culture or language. b : the act or process of determining such relationship.
How do you say yes in Old English?
Yes is a very old word. It entered English before 900 and comes from the Old English word gese loosely meaning “be it.” Before the 1600s, yes was often used only as an affirmative to a negative question, and yea was used as the all-purpose way to say “yes.”
Is Wiktionary reliable?
In essence, going from most reliable and thorough and narrow to most unreliable, shallow and broad; Wiktionary is a step in the middle of that route and a good choice if it’s to be your one-stop resource, but not the best if you actually want to research given word.