How do you calculate valve capacity?

The basic valve sizing equation Q = Cv√∆P can be used to calculate pressure drop, flow rate, or the flow coefficient. For solutions other than water, a correction for a difference in specific gravity of the solution is necessary. This revised formula would be: Q = Cv[√∆P/Sg] with Sg = specific gravity of the liquid.

What is valve capacity?

Valve Flow Coefficient (Cv) is a valve’s capacity for a liquid or gas to flow through it. It is technically defined as “the volume of water at 60°F (in US gallons) that will flow through a valve per minute with a pressure drop of 1 psi across the valve.”

How do you calculate Cv value of valves?

Inlet Pressure 32 kgf / cm2 Convert to absolute pressure = 33.03 kgf / cm2 (A). Outlet Pressure 15 kgf / cm2 convert to absolute pressure = 16.03 kgf / cm2 (A). Because the fluid is a gas and ΔP ≥ P1 / 2 so we will use the formula. Cv = (48000 / (248 × 33.03)) x sqrt (0.86 x (273 240)).

How do you convert SCFM to Cv?

To obtain scfm output at a particular pressure, divide the valve Cv by the appropriate factor shown below. To convert scfm into Cv, simply reverse the process and multiply the scfm times the factor.

What is Cv in valve sizing?

Valve Flow Coefficient (Cv) is the flow capability of a control valve at fully open conditions relative to the pressure drop across the valve. It is defined as the volume of water (GPM in the US) at 60°F that will flow through a fully open valve with a pressure differential of 1 psi across the valve.

How do you calculate gpm to Cv?

Multiply the square root of the pressure differential by the valve coefficient to calculate the flow in gallons per minute.

How do you calculate flow through a valve?

The volume flow rate for liquids can be calculated by multiplying the fluid velocity times the flow area. Thus, Cv is numerically equal to the number of U.S. gallons of water at 60°F that will flow through the valve in one minute when the pressure differential across the valve is one pound per square inch.

What is Cv value?

What is Cv value? The valve flow coefficient according to the JIS standard, represents the flow capacity in US gallons/minute of 60° F pure water when it is flowing through the valve with a pressure difference of 1 psi at the specified travel (operation range).

How do you calculate flow capacity of a pipe?

How to calculate volume flow rate in a pipe? You multiply the speed of the liquid flowing through the pipe by the pipe’s cross-sectional area.

How do you calculate mL per hour?

If you simply need to figure out the mL per hour to infuse, take the total volume in mL, divided by the total time in hours, to equal the mL per hour. For example, if you have 1,000 mL NS to infuse over 8 hours, take 1,000 divided by 8, to equal 125 mL/hr.