What is schema namespace in Salesforce?

The Schema namespace provides classes and methods for schema metadata information. The following are the classes in the Schema namespace. ChildRelationship Class. Contains methods for accessing the child relationship as well as the child sObject for a parent sObject.

What is namespace in Salesforce?

A namespace is a 1–15 character alphanumeric identifier that distinguishes your package and its contents from other packages in your customer’s org. A namespace is assigned to a package at the time that it’s created, and can’t be changed.

What is schema class in Salesforce?

Schema is a Namespace which is referred as Database. This namespace contains some classes and their methods to provide metadata information of Schema. Schema class deals with both bulk and single record means you can fetch all objects’ names at once or a single object name.

Why do we need namespace in Salesforce?

The Salesforce application supports the use of namespace prefixes . Namespace prefixes are used in managed AppExchange packages to differentiate custom object and field names from names used by other organizations. When creating a namespace, use something that’s useful and informative to users.

What is schema SObjectType in Salesforce?

A Schema. sObjectType object is returned from the field describe result using the getReferenceTo method, or from the sObject describe result using the getSObjectType method.

What is sObject token in Salesforce?

sObject Token is something like when we are not aware of which Object We are using and what fields we are using. We can say that this completely depends upon the runtime and we identify each and everything at the runtime. For example, Sometimes we use a single VF page for different Object then we go for sObject Tokens.

How do I use a namespace in Salesforce?

To register a namespace: From Setup, enter Package Manager in the Quick Find box and select Package Manager. In the Namespace Settings panel, click Edit….Creating a Namespace in Your Organization

  1. Begin with a letter.
  2. Contain one to 15 alphanumeric characters.
  3. Not contain two consecutive underscores.

What is my namespace?

The My namespace in Visual Basic exposes properties and methods that enable you to easily take advantage of the power of the . NET Framework. The My namespace simplifies common programming problems, often reducing a difficult task to a single line of code.

How do I find schema name in Salesforce?

Step 1: Firstly login to your salesforce account. Step 2: After login Search for the Schema Builder from search box. Step 3: Check the checked box from the object’s list on left side. Step 4: now you can see the object’s schema and relationship among their fields with other objects.

What is schema getGlobalDescribe?

getGlobalDescribe() Returns a map of all sObject names (keys) to sObject tokens (values) for the standard and custom objects defined in your organization.