What blood type is sickle cell trait?

Sickle cell trait (AS) is not a “type” of sickle cell disease. It is an inherited condition in which both hemoglobin A and S are produced in the red blood cells, always more A than S. Individuals with sickle cell trait are generally healthy.

How does a child get sickle cell trait?

How did my baby get sickle cell trait? Getting sickle cell trait is like getting the color of ones eyes, it is inherited from parents. Your baby inherited a normal hemoglobin gene from one parent and an “S” or sickle gene from the other parent.

What is hemoglobin S trait?

Hemoglobin S trait, also know as sickle cell trait, means that your child has inherited one gene for the usual hemoglobin (A) from one parent and one gene for hemoglobin S from the other parent. Hemoglobin S or sickle cell trait is very common and does not. cause any health problems.

What are the 3 types of sickle cell?

There are several types of sickle cell disease. The most common are: Sickle Cell Anemia (SS), Sickle Hemoglobin-C Disease (SC), Sickle Beta-Plus Thalassemia and Sickle Beta-Zero Thalassemia.

Can sickle cell trait make you sick?

Sickle cell trait is NOT a disease and will never turn into a disease. People with sickle cell trait usually do not have any health problems.

Which parent passes sickle cell trait?

How Sickle Cell Trait is Inherited. If both parents have SCT, there is a 50% (or 1 in 2) chance that any child of theirs also will have SCT, if the child inherits the sickle cell gene from one of the parents. Such children will not have symptoms of SCD, but they can pass SCT on to their children.

Should I be worried about sickle cell trait?

People with sickle cell trait live a normal life. They usually don’t have symptoms of sickle cell disease. People of any race or background can have sickle cell trait; however, it occurs in 1 out of every 12 African Americans.

Can sickle cell trait turn into sickle cell disease?

It is not a disease. In general, people with sickle cell trait enjoy normal life spans with no medical problems related to sickle cell trait. Sickle cell trait can never become sickle cell disease. It is possible, however, for individuals with sickle cell trait to pass the gene to their children.

What is the difference between hemoglobin C trait and sickle cell trait?

Hemoglobin C trait (hemoglobin C carrier) occurs when a person inherits one gene for hemoglobin C and one gene for hemoglobin A. Individuals with hemoglobin C trait are NOT at risk to develop sickle cell disease or hemoglobin C disease. They generally do NOT have any medical problems and lead normal lives.

Which is worse sickle cell SS and SC?

Hemoglobin SC disease is the second most common type of sickle cell disease. It occurs when you inherit the Hb C gene from one parent and the Hb S gene from the other. Individuals with Hb SC have similar symptoms to individuals with Hb SS. However, the anemia is less severe.