How do I see my now playing history?

Open your phone’s Settings app. Tap Sound & vibration. Now Playing. Tap Now Playing history.

What song is playing on my phone right now?

On an Android device, you can tap and hold the Shazam app in the app drawer, then tap Shazam Now. If you want Shazam on in the background so it can continue to identify what is playing around you, you can turn on Auto Shazam by opening the app and touching and holding the Shazam button.

What is Google now playing history?

“Now Playing History” shows a history of all the songs you’ve listened to, sorted by date. Never miss a song again! You can tap on an entry to listen to the song in your favorite music player (customizable) and mark individual songs as “favorite”.

What is my song search history?

On Android, you need a widget Drop the widget on to your home screen for quick access to sound search or your history. Once you’ve done this, touch the clock icon to view the history of all your song searches. If you touch a song it will take you to its selection in the Play Store.

How do I export Now Playing history?

First, swipe down twice from the top of your Google Pixel’s screen, and then tap the gear icon to open the Settings menu.

  1. In the search bar, type “Now Playing,” and then tap “Now Playing History.”
  2. Tap the music icons or long-press a song to select it.
  3. Next, tap the export icon at the top right.

How do I find my assistant history?

Via the web: Navigate to and you’ll get a list of your entire Google history. Click on the plus button under the search bar and choose the filter for Google Assistant. Click the search button and you’ll get just your Google Assistant activity.

Why is my phone playing music by itself?

In some phone and app configurations, music can automatically start playing when the phone senses an external audio device. To remedy this, try using a toothpick to clean out lint and debris from the jack. Avoid using something hard or sharp that might damage the phone.

What are my recent searches?

Find & view activity

  • Go to your Google Account.
  • On the left navigation panel, click Data & privacy.
  • Under “History settings,” click My Activity.
  • To view your activity: Browse your activity, organized by day and time. At the top, use the search bar and filters to find specific activity.

How do I get a now widget?

When you’re in “Now Playing history,” tap the three dots on the top right corner and select “Add to Home Screen” The Pixel Launcher will pop up at the bottom of your screen with a Now Playing icon. You can tap on “Add to Home screen” and then move the widget to where you want it, or press and hold the icon and move it.

How do you use now play?

Step 2: Tap Sound and Vibration. Step 3: Scroll down and tap Advanced to expand the settings. Step 4: Tap Now Playing. Step 5: Tap the toggle next to Show Songs on Lock Screen to turn this feature on.