Is there anything in the Abyssal Ruins?

There are no wild Pokémon or Trainers. In Black 2 and White 2, the Abyssal Ruins are not marked on the Town Map until the player has visited them….Abyssal Ruins.

Abyssal Ruins かいていいせき Undersea Ruins “Wild Missingno. appeared!”
Location: Undella Bay
Region: Unova
Generations: V
Location of Abyssal Ruins in Unova.

What is the point of the Abyssal Ruins?

The purpose of these ruins is to get to the end through four different floors. However, there is a limit to how many steps you can take in the ruins before being cast out so you need to find the path and get through it quickly.

How do you get to the next floor in Abyssal Ruins?


  1. To access the 1st Floor, you must use Dive (HM06) over a dark patch of water in Undella Bay.
  2. To access the 2nd Floor, you must reach the first Dynamic Block in less than 190 steps.
  3. To access the 3rd Floor, you must use Flash (TM70) in front of the second Dynamic Block.

Where is Cynthia in Pokemon White 2?

Undella Town
Location of Undella Town in Unova. Undella Town (Japanese: サザナミタウン Sazanami Town) is a town in the east of the Unova region. Caitlin of the Elite Four owns the easternmost villa in the town, and is where Sinnoh League Champion Cynthia stays during the spring and summer.

What does the relic Crown do?

The Relic Crown serves no practical purpose other than to be sold.

Does the relic crown do anything?

What does relic gold do?

The Relic Gold serves no practical purpose other than to be sold.

Can you rematch Cynthia in bw2?

After you have defeated her, you’ll have the ability to come and rematch her again at any point once a day.

Are Cynthia and Caitlin related?

She is also similar to Cynthia who is Caitlyn’s sister. Cynthia was a relatively unassuming archeologist who was mysterious throughout the game and became the champion in the end.