How do I create a multiple like condition in SQL?

Here is an example on how to use multiple LIKE conditions in WHERE clause of SQL. SQL where clause fetches records quickly when you give conditions correctly. The conditions should be indexed table columns. And, many a time, you need to filter records using like conditions.

Is Dplyr similar to SQL?

dplyr is a R package that provides a set of grammar based functions to transform data. Compared to using SQL, it’s much easier to construct and much easier to read what’s constructed.

Is there a like in in SQL?

There is no combination of LIKE & IN in SQL, much less in TSQL (SQL Server) or PLSQL (Oracle). Part of the reason for that is because Full Text Search (FTS) is the recommended alternative.

Is like case sensitive in SQL?

LIKE performs case-insensitive substring matches if the collation for the expression and pattern is case-insensitive.

How do I match multiple values in SQL?

Note – Use of IN for matching multiple values i.e. TOYOTA and HONDA in the same column i.e. COMPANY. Syntax: SELECT * FROM TABLE_NAME WHERE COLUMN_NAME IN (MATCHING_VALUE1,MATCHING_VALUE2);

How do you use a like operator between?

The LIKE Operator in SQL is used to extract records where a particular pattern is present. In a WHERE clause, the LIKE operator is used to look for a certain pattern in a column. In SQL, it has two wildcard characters, such as: Percentage symbol (%): It is a substitution for zero, one, or more characters.

How do you do SQL in R?

To use SQL, open an R Notebook in the RStudio IDE under the File > New File menu. Start a new code chunk with {sql} , and specify your connection with the connection=con code chunk option. If you want to send the query output to an R dataframe, use output. var = “mydataframe” in the code chunk options.

Can we use like operator with in clause?

LIKE Operator in SQL Server: In SQL Server, pattern means its specific string of characters with wildcards to search for matched expressions. Generally, we will use this LIKE operator in the WHERE clause.

Is like in SQL case-sensitive?

How do I write a like query in mssql?


  1. A. Using LIKE with the % wildcard character.
  2. B. Using NOT LIKE with the % wildcard character.
  3. C. Using the ESCAPE clause.
  4. D. Using the [ ] wildcard characters.
  5. E. Using LIKE with the % wildcard character.
  6. F. Using NOT LIKE with the % wildcard character.
  7. G. Using LIKE with the _ wildcard character.