What cold water fish can you get UK?

You can add lots of alternative fish species to an (unheated,) cold water fish tank instead of goldfish like white cloud mountain minnow, gold barb, weather loach or rainbow shiner. Zebra danios are a good choice of freshwater fish for the cooler water tank.

What kind of fish is cold water fish?

Cold water fish include salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout, anchovies and other species. King mackerel, tilefish, swordfish, bigeye tuna and shark are the highest in mercury, warns the FDA.

What aquarium fish can survive winter?

The Best Fish Breeds That Will Survive Winter in Outdoor Ponds

  • Archerfish.
  • Bluegills.
  • Fathead Minnows.
  • Golden Rainbow Trout.
  • Goldfish.
  • Koi.
  • Pumpkinseeds.
  • Redears.

Are neon tetras cold water fish?

Like most types of tetras, these fish aren’t very large and can be kept in a pretty small tank. When it comes to setting up their habitat there’s not much to worry about as well. They can thrive in cold water, a range of pH levels, and a variety of decorations and layouts.

What fish doesn’t need a filter or heater?

The common fish species that are suitable for life in an aquarium without a filter are: Bettas, Guppies, White Clouds, and a few others, sometimes joined by ghost shrimp or snails.

Do cold-water fish need a heater?

Environment. Unlike tropical aquariums, you don’t need to provide a heater for your cold water fish tank, however, it’s a good idea to use a thermometer, so you can ensure it’s kept at a nice comfortable, constant temperature for your fish.

Do cold water fish need a heater?

Can Molly survive in cold water?

No, Black Mollies can not live in cold water. Black Mollies are a tropical species of fish and as such need to be kept in water which is between 76°F and 80°:F (24°C to 26°C). For most aquarium setups, Black Mollies will require an aquarium heater to raise the temperature to a sufficient level.