Who is the most powerful member of the JLA?

Due to his inclusion on the Justice League during Justice League Odyssey, Darkseid is technically the most powerful member to serve on the team.

How did Prometheus defeat the Justice League?

Once inside the headquarters, Prometheus almost single-handedly defeated the Justice League: he shot the Martian Manhunter with a dart that turned his shape-changing power against him after setting him ablaze, infected Steel’s armor with a computer virus which commanded the suit to damage the Watchtower, hypnotized the …

Is Prometheus a Batman villain?

Prometheus is one of the main antagonists in the DC Comics universe and is primarily an enemy of the Justice League. He is a psychopath with a compulsive desire to destroy any and all forms of justice. He is often considered to be an evil counterpart to Batman, due to their similar origins and abilities.

What metal is cyborg made of?

depleted promethium
The bionic and cybernetic components of Cyborg (Victor Stone) are made out of depleted promethium, and Arsenal of the Justice League of America wears a bodysuit that combines both depleted promethium and Kevlar.

Who is the great one Steppenwolf?

Portrayed by. Steppenwolf was a powerful New God and the former herald of Darkseid, his nephew and lord of Apokolips. After betraying Darkseid to their enemies, Steppenwolf was exiled and tasked with conquering one hundred fifty thousand worlds in Darkseid’s name.

Who is Green Arrow’s arch nemesis?

Merlyn/Dark Archer
Merlyn/Dark Archer A young Oliver Queen idolized the archery skill of Merlyn (Arthur King/Malcolm Merlyn) which helped inspire him to the bow. Years later, Merlyn became a mercenary for the League of Assassins and became the archenemy of Green Arrow.

Is Stryker The Joker?

Stryker’s death (falling into a vat of chemicals) predates the often used backstory of the Joker (who also fell into one during an encounter with Batman). In Detective Comics (Vol. 2) #27, the updated version directly implies that Stryker was disfigured by the chemicals and became the Joker.