Is Maracaibo safe?

Maracaibo may be a safe city in Venezuela, but you must still take the necessary precautions for your own safety. Under no conditions should you walk alone at night, and even if you plan to go in groups, it’s not safe; but if it’s a necessity, you should always hail a cab.

What is Maracaibo Venezuela known for?

Lake Maracaibo is the most famous lightning hotspot in the world. Its weather is one of its main attractions. Nighttime thunderstorms have an average of 230 lightning strikes per 0.3 square miles. This natural phenomenon is Relámpago del Catatumbo (Catatumbo lightning).

Do people live in Maracaibo?

Maracaibo’s metropolitan region and Zulia state hold 3,700,000 inhabitants, which counts as 13.2% of Venezuela’s population.

Is Lake Maracaibo really a lake?

At 13,210 square kilometres (5,100 sq mi) it is the largest lake in South America; the geological record shows that it was a true lake in the past, and as such is one of the oldest lakes on Earth at 20–36 million years old. Lake Maracaibo from space (STS-51-F) in August 1985.

Are houses cheap in Venezuela?

Property can be relatively cheap in Venezuela. For example, a beach-front condominium residence on the popular Margarita Island can be bought for $70,000, and a three-bedroom villa can be bought for under $100,000. However, larger properties can fetch much higher sums.

Are there sharks in Lake Maracaibo?

In fact, they travel long distances in freshwater, which is why it’s not weird to find the bull shark in rivers and lakes. In Africa, they can be found in the Zambezi River (hence their name, Zambezi shark); in America, they have been seen in Lake Nicaragua, Lake Maracaibo, and in the Amazon and Mississippi rivers.

What percent of Venezuela is black?

About 51.6% of the population is mixed (mestizo) white, Amerindian and black in Venezuela, while 46.6% are white or of European ancestry. Another 3.7% is predominantly/fully African, while 2.7% is of predominant/full Amerindian ancestry, and 1.0% other races (mainly Asians).

Are there fish in Lake Maracaibo?

Eugerres plumieri
Farlowella curtirostraGobiosoma schultziFarlowella taphorni
Lake Maracaibo/Fish

What is the richest city in Venezuela?

Caracas Country Club, the richest neighborhood of the city, is located between El Recreo and Chacao districts….East Caracas.

Coordinates:10.25°N 66.52°W
Sovereign state Venezuela
State Miranda
City Metropolitan District of Caracas

Which city in Venezuela has the most beautiful woman?

Caracas, Venezuelan – #1 Caracas takes home the first place title as the city with the world’s most beautiful people. As the birth place of 10 international beauty pageant winners, this Venezuelan city takes the cake.