What is F-Number and a number in welding?

Filler Metals: The F Number

F – Numbers Electrodes/Welding Rods
F – No. 1 through F – No. 6 Steel and Steel Alloys
F – No. 21 through F – No. 25 Aluminum and aluminum – base alloys
F – No. 31 through F – No. 37 Copper and Copper Alloys
F – No. 41 through F – No. 46 Nickel and Nickel Alloys

What is filler a number?

The A-Number is a calculated value based on a combination of the chemical composition of the weld filler metal (which may be found in ASME Section II Part C), and ASME Section IX’s A-Number Table QW-442.

What is the a number in welding procedure specification?

The A number is essential variable in most of welding process in ASME Code Section IX. The Table QW-442 in ASME Code Section IX provides the list of A number. Please note the A number in WPS does not refer to the filler wire or electrode chemical composition; it refers to the deposited weld metal chemical composition.

What is a number in electrode?

The letter “E” indicates an electrode. The first two digits represent the resulting weld’s minimum tensile strength, measured in pounds per square inch (psi). For example, the number 70 in a E7018 electrode indicates that the electrode will produce a weld bead with a minimum tensile strength of 70,000 psi.

What is F-Number and group number?

An F-Number is a numeric designation assigned to a group of filler metals. ASME Section IX Table QW-432 lists the assignment of filler metals into their F-Number grouping.

What is F-Number in filler metal?

The F number grouping of filler metals refers to their similarity on their usability characteristics. The usability determines the ability of a welder to deposit a sound weld metal with a certain filler metal.

What is G number in welding?

The Group number in welding assigned additionally to the P number materials. These group numbers divide a P number to several group numbers for the purpose of welding procedure qualification when impact testing is a requirement by the construction code.

What is P number and G number?

Group numbers are subsets of ‘P’ numbers and assigned to ferrous-based metals. Group numbers are assigned only to those materials which require toughness testing for the qualification of its WPS.

What does 5P welding rod mean?

A 5P welding rod is also known as an E6010 rod. It consists of an all-purpose filler metal designed for use with direct current (DC) and suitable for welding pipes.

What is group number in welding?

What is 1F in welding?

Flat Position (1G or 1F) This type of welding is performed from the upper side of the joint. The face of the weld is approximately horizontal. Flat welding is the preferred term; however, the same position is sometimes called downhand.