How do you complete the cooking merit badge?

Prepare 2 meals & 1 snack, with at least 1 meal being cooked over fire or trail stove. This merit badge requires tasks to be completed at home and with scouts, making it more complicated than many. A good merit badge counselor ensures the scout learns safe ways to prepare healthy, tasty meals with a range of resources.

How many meals do you have to cook for cooking merit badge?

five meals
These five meals must include at least one breakfast, one lunch, one dinner, AND at least one snack OR one dessert. List the equipment and uten- sils needed to prepare and serve these meals.

How hard is the cooking merit badge?

Overall Difficulty: 7. To earn the Cooking merit badge, you’ll need to make a number of meals in a variety of situations. You also must learn and understand the answers to many food-safety knowledge requirements. If you’ve camped often though, the meals for this badge are pretty easy to complete.

What are the most likely hazards you may encounter while participating in cooking activities?

Likely Hazards

  • Cuts.
  • Burns & Scalds.
  • Choking.
  • Allergic Reactions.
  • Food Borne Illness.

How should meat be stored transported and properly prepared for cooking?

Store and transport at or below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Meats should not be stored above cooked foods or fresh produce. Frozen meats should be thawed slowly in a refrigerator at 40-45 degrees. Beef should be cooked to a minimum internal temp of 150 degrees or hotter (preferably 155 to 160) for children’s consumption.

What is a simmer in cooking?

A simmer is a method of cooking that uses a moderate heat to gently soften foods while slowly combining seasonings and ingredients. It’s often used for soups, stews and slow cooking meat. The definition of simmer is to cook a liquid just below the boiling point (212°F), with a range around 185°F to 205°F.

How should chicken be stored transported and prepared?

Store and transport at or below 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Raw chicken/poultry should not be stored above other meats, fish, cooked foods or fresh produce. Frozen chicken should be thawed slowly in a refrigerator at 40-45 degrees. Chicken should be cooked to a minimum internal temp of 165 degrees or hotter.