Are pilots allowed to take photos?

One airline says yes. British Airways is currently trialling “BASmart,” a program that grants select pilots the operational permission to record photo and video material. Captures must be done during non-essential portions of the flight, in accordance with FAA, CAA, and other aviation body guidelines.

What is the 3/6 rule in aviation?

For larger aircraft, typically people use some form of the 3/6 Rule: 3 times the altitude (in thousands of feet) you have to lose is the distance back to start the descent; 6 times your groundspeed is your descent rate.

What is the 3 1 rule in aviation?

A general rule of thumb for initial IFR descent planning in jets is the 3 to 1 formula. This means that it takes 3 NM to descend 1,000 feet. If an airplane is at FL 310 and the approach gate or initial approach fix is at 6,000 feet, the initial descent requirement equals 25,000 feet (31,000–6,000).

When can pilot log photos?

A pilot may log PIC time when he/she is the sole occupant of the aircraft; is the sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft for which the pilot is rated or has privileges; or is acting as PIC where more than one pilot is required (FAR 1.1, 61.51 [e]).

Is filming on a plane Illegal?

“Use of still and video cameras, film or digital, is permitted only for recording personal events. Photography or video recording of airline personnel, equipment, or procedures is strictly prohibited.”

Can a pilot record video?

Recording is prohibited when on an IFR flight plan and also prohibited by all US based airlines that I am aware of. In the first video, the pilots are rather unprofessional and have several violations of sterile cockpit, so the fact that they are also recording does not surprise me.

What are the pilot rules?

6 Pilot Rules that Everyone Should Live By

  • Aviate, Navigate, Communicate:
  • Always leave yourself an “out”:
  • Nothing flies without fuel:
  • Take off is optional:
  • Stay out of the clouds:
  • Never let an airplane take you somewhere that your brain didn’t get to five minutes earlier.

What is TOC and TOD in aviation?

Similarly, climbs and descents may be flown through a number of steps. Here is an example of a height profile from a short flight. Whatever the cause, height changes close to the ends of the cruise lead to ambiguity about the Top Of Climb (TOC) and Top Of Descent (TOD) points.

What is the rule of thumb in aviation?

A rule of thumb is a principle with broad application that is not intended to be strictly accurate or reliable for every situation. It is an easily learned and easily applied procedure for approximately calculating some value.

Can you log flight time not as PIC?

As long as you are rated in the aircraft and are the sole manipulator of the controls, you are able to log PIC time. But if your friend is also a pilot and wants to take turns flying, you are only able to log PIC time when you are the pilot flying, even though you may be acting as PIC for the duration of the flight.

Does simulator time count as PIC?

Generally, PIC time requires you to be PIC of an aircraft, and does not provide for PIC time when in a simulator unless you are providing instruction: (e) Logging pilot-in-command flight time.