Why is McKelligon Canyon closed?

McKelligon Canyon is part of the Franklin Mountains State Park and is subject to fees and restrictions from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. The Ron Coleman Trail, which is accessible from the canyon, remains closed due to a restoration project.

Is McKelligon Canyon open El Paso?

It is open daily from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

How long is McKelligon Canyon?

Try this 4.8-mile out-and-back trail near Fort Bliss, Texas. Generally considered an easy route, it takes an average of 2 h 5 min to complete. This is a very popular area for road biking, trail running, and walking, so you’ll likely encounter other people while exploring.

Where are the Franklin Mountains?

The Franklin Mountains extend from just north of downtown El Paso in El Paso County into southern Doña Ana County, New Mexico; their center is at 32°01′ north latitude, 106°32′ west longitude.

Is McKelligon Canyon road open?

McKelligon Canyon Road is open for walking, jogging, running, and biking.

What time does the El Paso star turn on?

Lit at 6:10 p.m. “The star, more than 400 feet long and 300 feet wide, is illuminated with more than 300 blue-white daylight lamps which give a twinkling effect.

Is Ron Coleman Trail open?

8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

What is the highest mountain in El Paso Texas?

North Franklin Mountain
North Franklin Mountain (or North Franklin Peak) is a mountain in the Franklin Mountains of El Paso, Texas, located in the Southwestern United States. North Franklin, at 7,192 feet (2,192 m), is the highest point in El Paso, and the 27th-highest mountain in the state of Texas.

Can you see mountains from El Paso?

Standing at 7,192 feet above sea level, the imposing North Franklin Mountain is almost always in view no matter where you are in El Paso.

Why the star of El Paso TX is red?

The iconic El Paso Star on the Mountain will shine red throughout October to honor several public safety campaigns, officials said. The star on the Franklin Mountains will go red to commemorate Red Ribbon Week, Fire Prevention Week and National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, officials said.

Why is the El Paso star not lit?

El Paso’s Star on the Mountain. It’s been a daily part of our evening skyline since April 1993. But if you’ve looked towards the Franklins at night recently, you’ve probably noticed the iconic landmark is not being lit. That’s a result of the windstorm that blew through the area on March 16.

Why is the Ron Coleman Trail closed?

The Ron Coleman Trail, which is accessible from the canyon, remains closed due to a restoration project.