What is explain plan in MySQL?

When EXPLAIN is used with an explainable statement, MySQL displays information from the optimizer about the statement execution plan. That is, MySQL explains how it would process the statement, including information about how tables are joined and in which order.

What is explain query plan?

The EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN SQL command is used to obtain a high-level description of the strategy or plan that SQLite uses to implement a specific SQL query. Most significantly, EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN reports on the way in which the query uses database indices.

How do you use explain analyze in MySQL?

To examine the query plan: EXPLAIN FORMAT=TREE. To profile the query execution: EXPLAIN ANALYZE….There are several new measurements here:

  1. Actual time to get first row (in milliseconds)
  2. Actual time to get all rows (in milliseconds)
  3. Actual number of rows read.
  4. Actual number of loops.

What is a plan in SQL?

A query plan (or query execution plan) is a sequence of steps used to access data in a SQL relational database management system. This is a specific case of the relational model concept of access plans.

How explain plan works in MySQL workbench?

To view a visual explain execution plan, execute your query from the SQL editor and then select Execution Plan within the query results tab. The execution plan defaults to Visual Explain , but it also includes a Tabular Explain view that is similar to what you see when executing EXPLAIN in the MySQL client.

Does explain Run query?

It tells you the execution plan. It doesn’t execute the query (although it might execute subqueries).

What is the difference between explain plan and execution plan?

An explain plan predicts how Oracle will process your query. An execution plan describes the steps it actually took.

How do you tune a query in explain plan?

The approach I generally take is:

  1. Run the SQL statement in question,
  2. Get the actual plan (look up dbms_xplan),
  3. Compare the estimated number of rows (cardinality) vs actual number of rows.
  4. Consider if you can create an index to speed part of the process (generally where you conceptually think the plan should go first).

How does MySQL work explain with diagram?

Like most database management systems out there, MySQL has a client-server architecture and can be used in a networked environment. The server program resides on the same physical or virtual system where the database files are stored, and it is responsible for all interactions with the databases.

What is explain plan in SQL Server?

The SQL Server execution plan (query plan) is a set of instructions that describes which process steps are performed while a query is executed by the database engine. The query plans are generated by the query optimizer and its essential goal is to generate the most efficient (optimum) and economical query plan.

What is database plan?

Effective database planning means that your software is capable of managing and consolidating all the data generated and relied upon by your business. A good database plan will allow your organisation to develop a clear structure for the way in which data is stored and managed by every person or application using it.

What is cost in explain plan?

Cost is the estimated amount of work the plan will do. A higher cardinality => you’re going to fetch more rows => you’re going to do more work => the query will take longer. Thus the cost is (usually) higher. All other things being equal, a query with a higher cost will use more resources and thus take longer to run.