What is the fasciculus cuneatus?

Medical Definition of fasciculus cuneatus : either of a pair of nerve tracts of the posterior funiculus of the spinal cord that are situated on opposite sides of the posterior median septum lateral to the fasciculus gracilis and that carry nerve fibers from the upper part of the body.

Why is it called medial lemniscus?

Lemniscus means “ribbon”, so named because the medial lemniscus “spirals” or “turns” as it ascends.

What is fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus?

The gracile fasciculus carries sensory information from the lower half of the body entering the spinal cord at the lumbar level. The cuneate fasciculus carries sensory information from the upper half of the body (upper limbs, trunk, and neck) entering the spinal cord at the cervical level.

What is Cuneate tubercle?

a swelling at the upper end of the cuneate fasciculus that contains the nucleus cuneatus, which receives fibers from sensory nerves of the upper part of the body.

What does Cuneatus mean?

wedge-shaped (as an adjective)

Where is the fasciculus cuneatus located?

The cuneate fasciculus (tract of Burdach), located laterally in the upper thoracic and cervical (C1 to T6) spinal cord segments, contains afferents from the upper trunk and extremities.

Where does the lateral lemniscus originate?

The lateral lemniscus is part of the auditory tract of the brainstem. It starts at the level of the superior olivary complex and terminates at the inferior colliculus.

What is the DCML?

The dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway (DCML) is a sensory pathway of the central nervous system. It conveys sensation of fine touch, vibration, pressure, two-point discrimination and proprioception (position) from the skin and joints.

Where is the nucleus cuneatus?

Definition. Nucleus located in the lower, dorsal portion of the medulla. It lies rostral to the pyramidal decussation and just lateral to the nucleus gracilis.

Where is nucleus gracilis cuneatus?

The major nuclei are the cuneate nucleus and gracile nucleus. These are present at the bottom of the medulla oblongata.

What is Clarke’s nucleus?

Clarke’s nucleus is a small section of grey matter located in lamina VII of the intermediate zone spinal cord which is found ventral to the gracile column and cuneate column and is involved in unconscious proprioception. It is found at the level of T1-L2 (lumbar vertebrae) on the spinal cord.

What are the gracile and cuneate tubercles?

The gracile fasciculus carries sensory input from vertebral level T6 and below and ascends into the gracile nucleus to form the gracile tubercle. The cuneate fasciculus carries information from T6 and above and ascends into the cuneate nucleus to form the cuneate tubercle.