How much does a feeder goldfish cost?

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This item Toledo Goldfish Live Comet Common Feeder Goldfish for Ponds, Aquariums or Tanks – USA Born and Raised – Live Arrival Guarantee
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Customer Rating 4.3 out of 5 stars (786)
Price $4800
Sold By Toledo Goldfish

Can you buy feeder fish as pets?

Feeder goldfish are, inherently, less healthy than goldfish that are bred to be pets due to these conditions. They are inexpensive, though, which makes them ideal for people who live feed.

What is the lifespan of a feeder goldfish?

The average lifespan of feeder goldfish is 10–15 years. These fish can live up to 40 years under the right aquarium conditions. They are common fish and are available in aquarium stores and online pet stores.

Can you use goldfish as feeder fish?

Advantages of using feeder fish The species of fish usually sold as feeder fish are invariably some of the easiest fish for fishkeepers to rear and breed, such as common goldfish, guppies and fathead minnow.

How fast do feeder goldfish grow?

Your goldfish will reach about 2 inches in 6 months. As long as it has adequate nutritional support, it’ll reach over 3 inches by the end of its first year.

How big do feeder goldfish grow?

They are still fish babies, usually no more than 0.5 inches or 1 inch in length at the most, and since they are fed to other fish before they reach full size, how big they might grow is completely irrelevant. However, we can talk about the average size of some of the other common feeder fish that are usually used.

How old is a 4 inch goldfish?

Goldfish Growth Chart

Age Slim-Bodied Goldfish Fancy Goldfish
2 years 5.25 inches 4 inches
2.5 years 6 inches 4.5 inches
3 years 6.5 inches 5 inches
3.5 years 7 inches 5.5 inches

Are goldfish happier in pairs?

Goldfish (Carassius auratus) are social animals and when kept in groups can be seen regularly interacting with other goldfish. Keeping at least two goldfish in an aquarium is recommended to provide companionship and promote activity. Solitary fish can exhibit depression and lethargy.