How long does a partially torn PCL take to heal?
How long does a partially torn PCL take to heal?
If your injury is mild, it may only take about 10 days to heal. If you’ve had surgery to repair your PCL, recovery could take about six to nine months.
Do partial PCL tears heal?
PCL injuries are usually partial ligament tears, and typically heal on their own, without causing stability issues, so long as the knee is protected during healing, and there are no other knee joint injuries.
How do you rehab a PCL tear?
Quad sets
- Sit with your affected leg straight and supported on the floor or a firm bed. Place a small, rolled-up towel under your knee.
- Tighten the thigh muscles of your affected leg by pressing the back of your knee down into the towel.
- Hold for about 6 seconds, then rest for up to 10 seconds.
- Repeat 8 to 12 times.
Do you need surgery for a partially torn PCL?
Initial PCL Tear treatment A partial PCL tear, grade I and II, are typically treated non-operatively with a long course of intensive physical therapy to strengthen the surrounding muscles controlling the knee. Complete PCL tears often require surgical treatment to regain knee stability.
Can a grade 3 PCL tear heal without surgery?
A recent study publish in the prestigious American Journal of Sports Medicine demonstrated that PCL injuries can be successfully treated without surgery.
Can you bend your knee with a torn PCL?
Swelling may cause the knee to become stiff. A person may have trouble bending the knee, resulting in a limp or difficulty going up or down stairs. Difficulty bearing weight. The injured knee may be difficult or painful to stand or walk on, especially for long periods of time.
What is a partial PCL tear?
A PCL injury occurs when the ligament is stretched or torn. A partial PCL tear occurs when only part of the ligament is torn. A complete PCL tear occurs when the entire ligament is torn into two pieces.
Can I ride a bike with a torn PCL?
You can now ride the bike normally, using both legs actively. You may ride the cycle with mild resistance for up to 10-15 minutes, 1 to 2 times a day.
Can a PCL tear get worse?
With a PCL injury, you may have: Mild pain that may get worse over time.
Can you squat with a torn PCL?
PCL rehabilitation After surgery, you may have to use crutches and a knee brace. Exercises such as squats and leg presses are used because they put less stress on the knee. Precautions you can take at home for minor PCL injuries include: reduce activity during the acute phase.
Does PCL grow back?
Recovery. Expected recovery usually occurs in about three months at which time swelling may be resolved and strength recovered. A full return to active sports is usually possible. If PCL reconstruction is needed, full recovery may take 9-12 months.