What is Don Juan Canto 1 about?

The romantic Donna Julia, the twenty-three-year-old wife of Don Alfonso, fancies and lusts for the sixteen-year-old boy Don Juan. Despite attempting to resist his charms, Julia enters into a love affair with Juan, and falls in love.

What is the theme of Don Juan Canto?

Don Juan portrays youth and innocence as praiseworthy and celebrated characteristics. These themes emerge in the story when Donna Inez attempts to preserve the innocence of her child for as long as possible. Juan’s youth is spent being sheltered from anything controversial or bad in any way.

How many cantos are in Don Juan?

16 parts
Don Juan is divided up into 16 parts, termed ‘cantos’. The storyline begins with Juan’s upbringing and his education. At 16 he has an affair with a married woman, Donna Julia. His mother, Donna Inez, sends him away from his native Seville, but there is a shipwreck.

What happens to Julia at the end of Canto 1?

Julia, on the other hand, goes off to live as a nun. We get a letter from her to Juan saying that she’ll keep loving him. To end his first canto, Byron goes off on another rant about how the public may see this poem as something that’s immoral or dirty.

What is a Don Juan personality?

a man who ruthlessly seduces women, concerned only with sexual conquest, after which he loses interest in them (Don Juanism).

Is Don Juan a Byronic hero?

Don Juan is considered as a typical Byronic hero. He has played a very significant role in the famous poem, Don Juan, Canto-I by Lord Byron. man should be of flesh and blood with essential human feelings and emotions.

What is Byron’s concept of love through his main character Don Juan?

He said:»Man’s love is of man’s life a thing apart, is women whole existence.» It is clear that the poet’s love affairs preoccupied most of his daily life, what he would show in Don Juan is the exploration of human feeling especially passion and the nature of love.

Who is the protagonist in Don Juan?

Don Juan The son of an easygoing father and a strict mother who is doted on by his parents. At the age of sixteen he has an affair with Donna Julia. Don José Juan’s father, who is unfaithful to his wife and careless of his reputation. Donna Inez Juan’s mother, a learned woman plagued by the infidelity of her husband.

What is the stanza form of Don Juan?

The poetical narrative of Don Juan (1819–24) is told in sixteen thousand lines, arranged in seventeen cantos, written in ottava rima (eighth rhyme); each stanza is composed of eight iambic pentameters, with the couplet rhyme scheme of ab ab ab cc.

What is the tone of the poet in Don Juan?

For his tone poem, Strauss drew upon a version of the Don Juan story by the Austrian poet Nikolaus Lenau, published posthumously in 1851. As the work opens, Strauss offers a theme that is forceful and energetic with bold interjections from the brass section.