Where is the exp share in Pokémon insurgence?

You can buy them in the Black market, located under Helios city. And if you’re lucky, you can win it at the lottery in the game corner, Roggan town.

What is the level cap in Pokémon insurgence?

Level cap of 60.

What does the IV changer do Pokémon insurgence?

It has the ability to change one IV of one of the player’s Pokémon to 31. This is done using the IV Changer. Small chance of being found in any of the Rock Smash-able rocks distributed throughout the world.

Does Pokémon insurgence have Fakemon?

This game’s Pokémon consist of canon Pokémon from gens 1 to 6 and some fakemon known as Delta Pokémon, variations on pre-existing Pokémon, including Pawniard, the Gen 1 Starters, and Ralts. It also introduces some new megas for Pokémon such as Flygon and Eevee.

When did exp share change?

When Pokémon X& Y was released in 2013, one of the biggest changes made was the transformation of the Exp. Share from a held item to a key item. With this change, the Exp. Share awarded experience from battle across the player’s entire party, not just to the single Pokémon holding the item.

What is purity mode in Pokémon insurgence?

Purity Mode. This setting allows the user to alter the existence of Delta Pokémon and Custom Mega Evolutions found throughout the game.

How do you get a Delta scizor?

Delta Scizor (referred to as just Scizor in-game) is a dual-type Ice/Fighting Delta Pokémon. It evolves from Delta Scyther when d holding a Never-Melt Ice.

Is UFI a legendary?

UFI is a dual-type Psychic/Electric Legendary Pokémon.

How long does it take to complete Pokémon insurgence?


Single-Player Polled Average
Main Story 7 52h 49m
Main + Extras 6 67h 58m
Completionists 2 128h 12m
All PlayStyles 15 68h 56m

What type is Delta Ditto?

Delta Ditto (referred to as just Ditto in-game) is a Water-type Delta Pokémon.

How do you evolve Delta Cleaver?

123.5 lbs. Delta Scyther (referred to as just Scyther in-game) is a dual-type Ice/Fighting Delta Pokémon. It evolves into Delta Scizor when traded holding a Never-Melt Ice.