Where is a rogue trainer?

Alliance Trainers

Location Rogue Trainers
Northshire Abbey, Elwynn Forest (Human starting location) Jorik Kerridan (5)
Lion’s Pride Inn, Goldshire, Elwynn Forest Keryn Sylvius (11)
SI:7, Old Town, Stormwind Osborne the Night Man (60) Lord Tony Romano (60)

What is the best Rogue class in WoW?

For a total beginner to the class, although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Outlaw as the best Rogue leveling spec. Outlaw has Grappling Hook, an ability that allows ease of travel, and Blade Flurry for powerful AoE.

Where is the rogue trainer in Stormwind?

Alliance Trainers

Location Rogue Trainers
Lion’s Pride Inn, Goldshire, Elwynn Forest Keryn Sylvius (11)
SI:7, Old Town, Stormwind Osborne the Night Man (60) Lord Tony Romano (60)
Sentinel Hill, Westfall Sern Hallows (25)
Anvilmar, Dun Morogh (Dwarf and Gnome starting location) Solm Hargrin (5)

Where is the Rogue Trainer in Dalaran?

He’s in the Sunreaver’s Sanctuary, between the fountain and one of the pillars.

Is there a rogue trainer in Shattrath?

Pathstalker Arpalir is a blood elf rogue trainer of the Scryers located at the Terrace of Light in Shattrath City.

Where is the rogue trainer in darnassus?

Alliance Trainers

Location Rogue Trainers
Cenarion Enclave, Darnassus Syurna (40) Anishar (50) Erion Shadewhisper (60)
Howling Oak, Darnassus Loren the Fence (40)
Lor’danel, Darkshore Kenral Nightwind (25)
Northshire Abbey, Elwynn Forest (Human starting location) Jorik Kerridan (5)

What race is best for rogues?

Best Alliance Races for Assassination Rogues

  • Night Elf is the best race by far on Alliance. The active racial ability, Shadowmeld, has great synergy with the Rogue class.
  • Human is the second best race on Alliance.
  • Orc is the best race on Horde.
  • Blood Elf is the second best race on Horde.

What race should my rogue be?

Elves are a particularly excellent choice of race if you intend to make a rogue, as they’re naturally dexterous (ability score increase to dexterity), have Darkvision and proficiency in perception.

Is there a rogue trainer in Shattrath TBC?

Pathstalker Arpalir This NPC can be found in Shattrath City (2).

How do you get to rogue class hall?

Rogue: Enter the Glorious Goods store in Dalaran. There is a hidden corridor on the left that will allow you to enter the class order hall after speaking to the shopkeeper and showing your insignia. Shaman: Head to Krasus’ Landing and you will find a portal to the right of the platform for your class order hall.

How do I get the rogue mount?

How to get Legion rogue class mount in BFA or Shadowlands?

  1. check if your Class Hall campaign completed and A Glorious Campaign achievement obtained;
  2. check the Breaching the Tomb achievement on the Broken Shore and complete it if it is missing;
  3. find the Apothecary Keever at the Broken Shore;

Where are rogue trainers TBC?

Silvermoon City’s Rogue trainers are all located on the eastern side of the street in Murder Row, Silvermoon City (where else?). Rogue class trainers serve an important role in leveling up your character in WoW Burning Crusade Classic, teaching you new abilities and higher ranks as you level up.