What kind of bow did Katniss use in Hunger Games?

Hoyt Buffalo
“The Hunger Games” producers chose the Hoyt Buffalo, which had the look they wanted for Katniss: not too heavy nor difficult for Lawrence to use. They also wanted a bow that looked good on camera and had classic lines. Hoyt built special 20-pound recurve limbs for Lawrence and her Buffalo.

Are takedown limbs interchangeable?

Takedown recurve limbs are interchangeable between risers that use the same limb attachment system. Limb attachment systems can be divided into 2 basic categories: Proprietary systems and the International Limb Fitting (ILF) system.

How long is a Hoyt Buffalo riser?

The riser is quite long, at 19″. This helps reduce vibration. It’s also made of aluminum, as are most quality modern recurves.

What Broadhead does Fred Eichler use?

The 150 grain 4-blade broadhead by Muzzy. The engineers at Muzzy worked closely with Fred Eichler, host of Easton Bowhunting TV and owner of Full Draw Outfitters in Colorado, to design a broadhead that maximizes performance and penetration for traditional or compound archers.

How many kids does Fred Eichler have?

FRED EICHLER , WIFE MICHELE AND THEIR THREE SONS He has successfully harvested numerous trophies with his bow from all over the world. He has also completed the Super Slam taking all 29 North American Species with his recurve bow.

How does Katniss have unlimited arrows?

17 Katniss never runs out of arrows Other films have added this to scenes to increase tension, but this franchise appears to have been largely uninterested. Thus, Katniss’ arrow supply is basically magic, allowing her to solve every problem by shooting ever more arrows at it.

Can Jennifer Lawrence shoot a bow?

In preparation for her role as Katniss Everdeen in this spring’s blockbuster YA adaptation The Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence trained extensively with Olympic archer Khatuna Lorig – whose real name sounds like it was ripped straight out of the film – to learn how to use a bow and arrow.

Do all limbs fit all risers?

Are all ILF limbs interchangeable? Denton said ILF interchangeability isn’t guaranteed because some manufacturers measure their fittings slightly different. However, most ILF limbs from one manufacturer will fit another manufacturer’s ILF riser.

What are ILF bow limbs?

ILF (International Limb Fit) is a standardized system that allows archers to universally interchange limbs and risers built by separate manufacturers – allowing, for example, a set of Stalker limbs to be paired with a Dryad riser.

What bow Does Kate Bishop use?

recurve bow
Serving as her primary weapons, Kate Bishop carries a recurve bow with a metal riser and wooden limbs, along with a quiver that stores her arrows.