What is the difference between Andar and caminar?

While caminar is only used to mean ‘to walk’, andar means ‘to walk’ AND it also has additional uses.

What is the stem of caminar?

Present Tense of Caminar

Subject Pronoun Caminar Conjugation Translation
él/ella usted camina he/she walks – you (singular/formal) walk
nosotros nosotras caminamos we walk
vosotros vosotras camináis you (plural/informal) walk
ellos/ellas ustedes caminan they/you (plural/formal) walk

How do you use andar?

Take the verb andar. It’s normally translated as ”to walk” in English, but it can also be used as ”to go/travel,” “to be around,” “to run/work,” and even ”to be.” In general terms, the distinction between andar meaning ”to walk” and other verbs of movement is closely related to a sense of figurative motion.

Which country uses andar?

To say ‘to go’ or ‘to walk’ Translated as ‘to go’ or ‘to walk’, in Spanish, andar is used when speaking of travelling on foot. Here are some examples and a phrase structure that you can use to apply this meaning.

What does the verb andar mean?

to walk
Common verb quite flexible in meaning In its normal usage, the verb andar means “to walk.” However, it is often used more broadly with a vague meaning that isn’t readily translatable—meaning something along the line of “to function,” “to do,” “to go along,” or even simply “to be.”

Why is andar irregular?

Andar is a Spanish verb meaning to walk. Andar is conjugated as an irregular verb in the preterite tense. Andar appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Preterite Tense Verbs Poster as the 6th most used irregular verb….Andar Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

yo anduve
ellos/ellas anduvieron

How do you conjugate Volver in the preterite?

The Indicative Preterite of volver is used to talk about actions completed in the past, at a specific point in time….Volver in the Indicative Preterite.

Pronoun Spanish English
Yo volví I returned
volviste you returned
Ella / Él / Usted volvió s/he returned, you (formal) returned

Is caminar imperfect?

The verb caminar is regular in the indicative imperfect tense.

What is caminar in preterite tense?

Mode: Indicative

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo caminé
Tu caminaste
El/Ella caminó
Nosotros caminamos