What is a WG grade?
What is a WG grade?
Wage grade (WG) is the term used to describe non-supervisory Federal Wage System (FWS) employees.
What is a wage grade federal employee?
The series is a numbered system for grouping similar occupations. For example, a Nurse is part of the 0610 series. A ‘grade’ refers to the General Schedule (GS) pay scale – it’s the pay level for the job. The higher the grade level, the higher the pay.
What is the difference between WG and GS?
WG is generally blue collar/technicians, mechanics, laborers etc., and GS is generally white collar.
What is WG in civil service?
General Schedule (GS) Jobs | Wage Grade (WG) Jobs.
Do federal employees get raises every year?
Annual Pay Raise: Each year, the President may recommend an annual pay raise to Congress for Federal employees.
How often do WG step increases occur?
Within-grade step increases are based on an acceptable level of performance and longevity (waiting periods of 1 year at steps 1-3, 2 years at steps 4-6, and 3 years at steps 7-9). It normally takes 18 years to advance from step 1 to step 10 within a single GS grade if an employee remains in that single grade.
What military rank is a GS-14 equivalent to?
Senior Officers The GS-14 and GS-15 pay grades are roughly equal to those of lieutenant-colonels and colonels in the army, or to more senior commanders and captains in the navy.
What is a GS 7 equivalent to?
A GS-7 employee in civilian government is rougly equivalent to an O-1 in the military, in terms of compensation. In the U.S. Army, O-1 is ranked Second Lieutenant. A GS-7 employee in civilian government is also rougly equivalent to a W-1 in the military, in terms of compensation.
Are there special rates or rate ranges under the federal wage system?
Special Rates or Rate Ranges under the Federal Wage System (PDF file) [53 Kb] The following documents provide guidance to Federal agencies on the application of the Federal Minimum Wage under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938, as amended, to employees of the Federal Government.
Where can I find the federal wage system wage schedules?
The Department of Defense (DOD) is the lead agency responsible for conducting Federal Wage System (FWS) wage surveys and issuing wage schedules. DOD’s Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service maintains a website with all FWS wage schedules. You can visit the FWS wage schedules website or contact DOD directly at 571-372-1614.
What is the federal wage system called?
Federal Wage System Overview. The Federal Wage System (FWS) is a uniform pay-setting system that covers Federal appropriated fund and nonappropriated fund blue-collar employees who are paid by the hour.
How many local wage areas are included in the FWS?
The FWS includes 130 appropriated fund and 118 nonappropriated fund local wage areas. Successful labor-management partnership is the hallmark of the FWS, with labor organizations involved in all phases of administering the pay system.