What are decorative wall plates called?

switch plates
Wall plates, also known as switch plates, cover your home’s outlets and light switches, keeping wires out of sight and away from fingers. With a wide variety of colors and materials to choose from, wall plates can complement the decor of any room.

How do you display decorative plates on the wall?

One of the easiest ways to hang plates on a wall is with adhesive discs. The discs come with a glue on the back that is activated when you add a little water. You stick them onto the back of your decorative plates and then hang the hooks attached to the discs on a wall.

Do Command Strips hold plates?

Hang plates with Command Strips Hanging plates with Command Strips (opens in new tab) means that you don’t need nails or screws and you can remove or rearrange the plate display without damaging the wall.

What is a blank wall plate for?

Blank wall plates have no holes at all, and are used to conceal wires for future devices. They may also be used to cover old, inoperative outlets or switches. If a new receptacle or switch is added, the blank plate is removed and replaced by an appropriate wall plate.

What is a wall top plate?

The top plate is the upper horizontal framing member of a stud wall. It is typically the same width as the studs and bottom plate and is some type of stress-graded dimensional lumber, commonly 2×4 or 2×6.

What is a framing plate?

On any wall panel or framing piece, the beams that run horizontal at the very top and bottom of the frame are called plates.

How do you display collector plates?

Collectors have several options in displaying their collector plates:

  1. A vitrine. This is a cabinet serves as a custom display case for collector plates.
  2. Plates on easels. The easels allow plates to be displayed upright so that people can more easily see the designs.
  3. Hanging on the wall.
  4. Collector plate frames.

How do you use a plate hanger?

The best way to do this is to first attach the plate hanger to the plate and lie the plate on a flat surface. The top of the hanger should (barely) touch the flat surface that your plate is lying on. If it doesn’t, take the hanger off the plate, bend it, and place it back on to see if it’s where you need it to be.