What is Mexican centrism?

The term also known as ethnic-centrism is used to identify the dominant Mexican cultural practices in Southern California, caused by the sheer amount of Mexicans who reside in Southern California.

What does a Sobadora do?

Sobadores use sobada (massage) to care for pulled muscles and injured joints, as well as to move internal organs [10–12, 16–17]. They are widely available and used as traditional healers by Mexican immigrants, Mexican Americans, and other Latino communities in the United States [12, 18].

What is considered Latino culture?

“To be considered Latina/Latino/Latinx, you or your ancestors must have come from a Latin American country: Mexico, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, French-speaking Caribbean nations, Central or South America (though English-speaking regions).” Someone with roots in those countries—or as in Puerto Rico’s case.

Are you Latina If you’re from Spain?

For example, a person from Spain would be Hispanic but not Latino because Spain is a Spanish-speaking country but not a Latin American country.

What is Mexican hegemony?

Mexican hegemony leads to the erasure of Central Americans both in the U.S and beyond to the borders in Mexico. Mexicans in Los Angeles are ”contextually dominant” among Latinx communities within the city while simultaneously being economically exploited and racially oppressed by white supremacy (Osana 2015).

What did the centralists want?

The Centralists, who were generally conservative, favoured a strong central government in the viceregal tradition, a paid national army, and Roman Catholicism as the exclusive religion.

What is a Sabadora?

female traditional healer who treats dislocated bones and performs massages to alleviate muscles.

What is a Sobador massage?

Sobadores don’t have any formal professional training, but they claim to be able to heal strained joints, backaches, and other pains. Their treatment consists of massaging the painful area, dispensing herbal medicine or creams, and sometimes providing advice on diet.