What does X mean in SAS?

The X statement issues a host command from within a SAS session when you run SAS in windowing mode. SAS executes the X statement immediately. Under Windows, you can issue the X statement without the command argument.

How do you write a data step in SAS?

The data step follows the following format: DATA Dataset-Name (OPTIONS); . . . RUN; In the SAS program file above, DATA is the keyword that starts the data step, meaning that it tells SAS to create a dataset.

How do I run a Unix command in SAS EG?

To execute only one UNIX command, you can enter the X command, X statement, CALL SYSTEM routine, or %SYSEXEC macro statement as follows:

  1. X command.
  2. X command;
  3. CALL SYSTEM (‘command’);
  4. %SYSEXEC command;

What does the data statement mean in SAS?

The DATA statement begins the process of building a SAS data set and names the data set. The statements that make up the DATA step are compiled, and the syntax is checked. If the syntax is correct, then the statements are executed.

What is a macro variable in SAS?

A macro variable in SAS is a string variable that allows you to dynamically modify the text in a SAS program through symbolic substitution. The following example demonstrates how to create and use a macro variable. First we set up some system options to have a more concise output style.

Do statements SAS?

The DO statement, the simplest form of DO-group processing, designates a group of statements to be executed as a unit, usually as a part of IF-THEN/ELSE statements. The DO UNTIL statement executes statements in a DO loop repetitively until a condition is true, checking the condition after each iteration of the DO loop.

How do you write a PROC content in SAS?

The basic syntax of PROC CONTENTS is: PROC CONTENTS DATA=sample; RUN; As with all SAS procedures, the DATA command (which specifies the name of the dataset) is optional, but recommended. If you do not specify a dataset, SAS will use the most recently created dataset by default.

How do you keep variables in SAS?

The KEEP= option tells SAS which variables you want to keep in a data set. If you place the KEEP= option on the SET statement, SAS keeps the specified variables when it reads the input data set.

How do I use Linux commands in SAS?

To execute only one Linux command, you can enter the X statement, CALL SYSTEM routine, or %SYSEXEC macro statement as follows:

  1. X command;
  2. CALL SYSTEM (‘ command’);
  3. %SYSEXEC command;

How do I run a command in SAS?

Running Windows Commands Using the X Statement or the X Command. You can use the X statement or the X command to run Windows commands. The X statement can be run outside of a DATA step. You can enter the X command in the command bar or any SAS command line.

How do you write a data availability statement?

Data are available [from the authors / at URL] with the permission of [third party]. The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, [author initials], upon reasonable request.

What is input statement in SAS?

The INPUT statement reads raw data from instream data lines or external files into a SAS data set . You can use the following different input styles , depending on the layout of data values in the records: list input. column input. formatted input.