What can I store my crystals in?

Wrap fragile crystals in a silk scarf or tissue paper to keep them safe. If you have any crystals that can easily scratch, such as fluorite, opal, calcite, hematite, or amethyst, wrap each stone in a piece of tissue paper, bubble wrap, or silk before you place it in the pouch.

Where is the best place to store your crystals?

How to Store Crystals & Stones

  • Display Them on an Altar. For those crystals that thrive in the light, create an altar display where the stones can rest when not in use for healing purposes.
  • Keep Them in Fabric Pouches.
  • Place Them in a Box.
  • Organize Them With Drawer Dividers.
  • Different Ways to Organize Your Crystals.

What is a metaphysical store?

Metaphysical stores offer an array of crystals & minerals from around the world, fine jewelry, unique gifts, incense, apothecary, clothing, and books. They focus on personal service to help people find minerals that will assist them in bettering their lives. It’s all about healing and self-love.

How do you store a lot of crystals?

Inside A Drawer If you have a large crystal collection, try Ethan’s method of storing them inside a drawer. He uses small gift boxes to organize the crystals into groups or categories. You can also use drawer compartments like these, which I use in almost every drawer of my own house.

Where do you store rose quartz?

Place natural, rough or raw pieces of rose quartz in the south-west direction in the bedroom—this direction is ideal as it represents romance, love and marriage. Place two pieces of rose quartz in the south-west section of your bedroom to invite happy energies which will help stabilise and grow the existing bond.

What crystals Cannot be stored together?


  • Clear quartz and stones with powerful properties. Quartz amplifies the energy of minerals nearby, so it is not recommended for use with strong minerals.
  • Lace agate and red jasper.
  • Smoky Quartz and Tiger Eye.
  • Pure quartz and green aventurine.
  • Amazonite and tiger’s eye.

What are metaphysical items?

Metaphysical Items

  • Altar Supplies.
  • Bags and Boxes.
  • Candles, Incense, Lamps, Resins.
  • Chimes, Dreamcatchers, Prisms, and More.
  • Drinking Horns.
  • Figurines and Statues.
  • Magical Music: Djembes, Shakers, Singing Bowls, and More.
  • Pendulums.

What can I sell in a spiritual store?

Top 10 Spiritual, Ethnic & Wellbeing Picks for Autumn & Winter 2020

  • Verdigris Effect Buddha Head Ornament.
  • Buddha Face Waterfall Backflow Burner.
  • Chakra Candles.
  • Chakra Incense Wooden Gift Sets.
  • Chakra Suncatcher.
  • Black Obsidian Facial Roller.
  • 9cm Brass Singing Bowl.
  • Angel Wings Mini Sentiment Sign.

Is it OK to store crystals together?

First, Can Crystals Be Stored Together? The short answer is yes.

What happens if you put rose quartz under your pillow?

Birch suggests that placing rose quartz under your pillow will encourage gentle dreams. “You’ll take on the soft, peaceful, soothing energies of the crystal as you sleep,” he explains. “This will result in your dream being calm, peaceful, and loving, once again emitting a positive vibration.”