What is Twix called in Germany?

Raider was a brand of chocolate bar by Mars distributed in Northern Europe. It was introduced in West Germany and Austria in 1976 and sold under that name until 1991, when it was renamed Twix in line with the brand name used elsewhere in the world. Mads Nielsen loved the chocolate.

What was Twix called before Twix?

The product was first produced in the United Kingdom in 1967, and introduced in the United States in 1979. Twix was called Raider in mainland Europe for many years before its name was changed in 1991 (2000 in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Turkey) to match the international brand name.

Why was Twix called Raider?

Twix was called Raider back in 1967 in many countries of Europe until the name was changed to Twix (1991) with an enormous advert campaign and a catchy claim called “Raider heißt jetzt Twix, … sonst ändert sich nix” (“Raider is now called Twix, nothing else changes”).

What does Twix stand for?


Acronym Definition
TWIX Taiwan Internet Exchange (Taipei, Taiwan)
TWIX Trans World Internet Exchange (Rockville, MD)

What’s the difference between left Twix and right Twix?

Right Twix is enrobed in chocolate with drizzled caramel with a crunchy cookie inside while left Twix is cloaked in chocolate with cascaded caramel with a crispy cookie inside.

What is left right Twix?

According to Recipe Marker, “The distinction [between the two] can be found on the label, as the right Twix is cloaked in chocolate with cascaded caramel, and the left side is enrobed in chocolate with drizzled caramel.”

What does the left and right on Twix mean?

Right Twix is enrobed in chocolate with drizzled caramel with a crunchy cookie inside. Thus, it’s sweet and crunchy. Left Twix is coated in chocolate with cascaded caramel with a crispy cookie inside making it sweet and crunchy as well.