How do I reset my Whirlpool Cabrio washer?

Press the Start Stop button once. Rotate the dial until Rinse, Wash, and Stop light illuminate. Turn the washer off and unplug it for 10 seconds. Finally, turn on the washer and it should now be reset.

How do I reset my whirlpool high efficiency washer?

Rotate your dial until you have the following three lights illuminated: RINSE, WASH, and STOP. Then turn off your washer and unplug it for ten seconds. When you turn it back on it should be reset. You can run a test load without any clothing to ensure that the reset worked.

Why won’t my Whirlpool Cabrio washer drain and spin?

The most common causes of a Whirlpool Cabrio washer not draining are: Malfunctioning drain pump. Blocked drain hose. Defective lid switch.

How long do Whirlpool Cabrio washers last?

about 14 years
How long will it last? Top loaders typically have a longer life than front load washing machines. This model should last about 14 years.

How much does the Whirlpool Cabrio cost?

Uneven wash performance plagued the Whirlpool Cabrio Platinum WTW8800YW. To paraphrase that song from Gypsy, upscale appliances gotta have a gimmick to justify their prices. With its $1199 MSRP, the is certainly high end — it even has the name of a precious metal in its title!

Where is the reset button on a Whirlpool washing machine?

If you need to reset your Whirlpool Washer, first turn the washer off. Then turn the Mode Dial to Normal. Now, turn the dial, 1 click to the left counterclockwise, then 3 clicks clockwise, then one click counterclockwise and then one click clockwise.

How do you fix a Whirlpool Cabrio washer that won’t spin?

If your Whirlpool Cabrio washer will fill with water but won’t spin, the lid lock switch is probably bad. To diagnose this problem you’ll want to put the washer in a spin mode. Next, open the lid and insert a screwdriver into the lid switch actuator hole.

How do you troubleshoot a Whirlpool Cabrio?

Clean all contact areas on the lid and the washer. Try unplugging the washer to allow the control panel to reset. Plug the washer back in and see if the problem resolves. If the door sounds like it is engaging, but doesn’t, it is time to run a diagnostic test.