Can you change nickname in Pokémon X?

1 Answer. In Camphrier Town right after Lumiose City you will find the Name Rater in the Pokemon Center.

Can you change the nickname of traded Pokémon?

Talk to the Name Rater and ask to change a Traded Pokemon’s Nickname. You will be able to do so, but after changing the Nickname once, it will be permanently set. Keep in mind that you cannot change the Nickname of a Pokemon which was already given a Nickname by its previous trainer.

Can you remove Pokémon nickname?

So, no you can’t delete a pokemons nickname. But you may change it to “Raichu” for example, trade it – and if your friend evolves it later on, the name is matching.

What is Pokémon y name?

Meet Xerneas and Yveltal. The official names for the two new legendary Pokémon that will headline Pokémon X & Y versions have been revealed. Xerneas, pronounced ZURR-ne-us, is the Pokémon that resembles a deer, while Yveltal, ee-VELL-tall, is the bird legendary. These names come from the official Pokémon site.

Why can’t I change a Pokemon’s name?

You can give nicknames to your Pokémon in Sword and Shield, but if you decide you don’t like one, then you are in luck: Nicknames are not permanent, and they can be changed. The only time you cannot change a nickname is if you get the Pokémon through a trade.

What does nicknaming Pokémon do?

Nicknames serve as a means of personalizing one’s Pokémon, and distinguishing them from other individuals of the same species. > Nicknaming Pokémon rarely has any effect on game-play, and is simply an element of customization that players are free to use or ignore.

Why is TI nicknamed Pokémon?

The only time you cannot change a nickname is if you get the Pokémon through a trade. If you are trading for a Pokémon and want it to have a different nickname, ask the person you are trading with to do it before the trade is made.

Can you nickname Pokemon after you catch them?

Give Pokemon Nickname When Caught The first way to rename a Pokemon is to give them a nickname when you catch them. This occurs every time you catch a Pokemon. You will be asked if you wish to give your Pokemon a nickname. Select yes and input whatever nickname your heart desires.