What is 4S Kontra dengue?

As key interventions, the DOH has encouraged everyone to be prime movers in controlling the mosquito population and avoiding possible dengue deaths within the community through (1) 4S strategy, (2) Four o’clock habit to search and destroy possible mosquito-breeding places at 4 p.m. daily, and the (3) Aksyon Barangay …

What is dengue prevention and control program?

NATIONAL DENGUE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROGRAM Vision A dengue free Philippines. Mission Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Goal To reduce the burden of dengue disease. Objectives/ 1.) To reduce dengue morbidity by atleast 25% by 2022.

What are the four strategy against dengue?

Based on the Department of Health, people need only remind themselves of the 4S Strategy to prevent dengue fever: Search and Destroy, Self-Protection Measures, Seek Early Consultation, and Support Fogging or Spraying.

How can I protect my home from dengue?

10 Tips to Avoid Dengue at Home

  1. Cover and clean water containers on a regular basis.
  2. Keep your house clean and tidy.
  3. Wear protective clothing like long sleeves and pants inside and outside the house most especially if you know that there is a dengue outbreak in your area.

What time of the day does dengue mosquito bite?

Aedes aegypti is a daytime feeder: The peak biting periods are early in the morning and in the evening before dusk. Dengue cannot be spread directly from person to person. However, a person infected and suffering from dengue fever can infect other mosquitoes.

What can you do to prevent the outbreak of dengue fever in your barangay?

Use insect repellent, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants, and control mosquitoes inside and outside your home. Each year, an estimated 400 million people are infected with dengue virus through the bites of infected mosquitoes.

What is destroy mosquito program?

The Enhanced 4-S campaign stands for Search and destroy mosquito-breeding sites, secure Self-protection measures like wearing long pants and long sleeved shirts and daily use of mosquito repellent, Seek early consultation, and Support fogging/spraying only in hotspot areas where increase in cases is registered for two …

How do you address dengue?

How do I keep mosquitoes from spreading in my house?

Here are ways to get rid of mosquitoes inside the house:

  1. Stop mosquitoes from entering your home.
  2. Stop mosquitoes from breeding inside the house.
  3. Keep mosquito repellent plants.
  4. Keep sliced lemon and cloves around the house.
  5. Use a garlic spray to control mosquitoes.
  6. Keep a dish of soapy water.
  7. Keep a dish of beer or alcohol.