How much is a Albino Axolotl?

You can expect to pay between $25 and $50 for your Albino Axolotl, depending on your location and the breeder you choose. The Eastern part of the United States usually has lower prices than the West, and large commercial breeders will have lower prices than a small breeder and may also provide a health guarantee.

Is albino axolotl rare?

1. Leucistic. Leucistic axolotls are a translucent white with shiny gold flecks, red or pink gills, and dark brown or black eyes. They are very rare in the wild because they are easily spotted by predators, but are one of the most common and beautiful morphs in captivity.

Do Albino axolotls exist?

White Albino Axolotl As you may have guessed, white albino axolotls are pure white with red gill filaments and pink or white eyes. These axolotls have flecks of gold on the gill stalks. White albinos look a lot like leucistic axolotls except their eyes are missing pigment.

Can you buy an axolotl as a pet?

Axolotl are a friendly, interactive aquatic pet that will give you years of enjoyment if kept properly. Fortunately, they are relatively easy to care for once they are properly housed and fed. Then you can share your photos of your happy, meme-worthy salamander with the world.

How many albino axolotls are left?

Conservation. A 2019 assessment by the International Union for the Conservation of Species found only between 50 and a thousand axolotls are left in the wild—and their populations are dropping.

Are albino axolotls blind?

Albino axolotls aren’t blind, though all axolotls have poor eyesight. These animals have lidless eyes, which suffer when lighting is bright. The only difference between the eyes of different axolotls is that most morphs have black eyes and albino axolotls have red or pink eyes.

Do Blue axolotls exist?

The Blue Axolotl is not an accurate name for this unique salamander since they are not blue at all. They are actually dark gray or black, which could look bluish in certain lights. They are most commonly called Black Melanoids.

What’s the rarest axolotl?

Firefly Axolotl Fireflies are some of the most recently bred axolotl morphs and are by far one of the rarest.

What’s the rarest axolotl color?

Lavender (silver dalmatian) morphs are very rare axolotls. These axolotls are typically entirely lavender or light gray. This very light purplish color is contrasted by the silver to dark gray spots that speckle its entire body.

What is the rarest axolotl?