Can a beginner cycle from London to Brighton?

For a beginner rider, those 54 miles can seem a little daunting and for some almost impossible. But nothing is impossible, with a little bit of training, some handy tips and the right mindset, you can (and will) cycle from London to Brighton!

What is a good time for London to Brighton bike ride?

If you know you’re a slow cyclist we recommend you leave at 06.30 so as early as possible, this will give you plenty of time to enjoy the ride and get down to Brighton to soak up the atmosphere and collect your medal.

Do you have to raise money for London to Brighton?

Fundraising and Sponsorship b. You may be asked to aim to raise a minimum amount of money for the BHF (“Minimum Sponsorship”) as part of your participation in the Event.

What clothes to take to Brighton from London?

Things you should consider buying and bringing on your London to Brighton adventure….

  • Overshoes.
  • Chamois Cream – lots.
  • Base Layers to wear under your cycling shirts.
  • Arm and Leg warmers – to carry with you in case it gets cold and or wet.
  • Gloves.
  • Helmet.
  • Sunglasses / clear lenses for glasses (if it’s not sunny)

How long does a 50 mile bike ride take?

about 3 hours and 30 minutes
If your goal is a 50-mile ride, this is an eight-week plan (at 14 mph, a 50-mile ride will take about 3 hours and 30 minutes).

How hard is Ditchling Beacon to cycle?

It is tackled by many amateurs on the annual London to Brighton bike ride. It averages 9%, but gets up to a maximum of 16%, with quite a few false flats.

What is the average speed of a beginner cyclist?

between 10 and 14 mph
Stan Purdum replies: Many beginning road cyclists ride at average speeds between 10 and 14 mph on the road. It’s certainly possible to sustain a higher speed, and some new riders who were already runners or some other type of endurance athlete may pedal at 15-18 mph or even higher.

What time does London to Brighton start?

What time does the event start? The first rider sets off at 6am and the last rider will set off at 9:30am. Groups of cyclist set off over the start line every 30 minutes and participants will be sent their start time via email.

What time does the London to Brighton Veteran Car Run start?

The cars begin to arrive from 10.06am with the slower vehicles arriving as late as 4.30pm.

Is cycling 100 miles Hard?

A hundred-mile bike ride is a considerable challenge, but with the help of the right training programme, it’s far from impossible. Set yourself targets along the way and ensure that your approach is varied, and you’ll be able to conquer the course!