Can you be illiterate and be in the military?

Army most trusted institution But about 90 percent of those deciding to join the army are illiterate, according to U.S. military officers involved in the training. That’s higher than the 75 percent national illiteracy rate, because military recruits come from lower classes where few know how to read.

Are people in the military less educated?

Myth: Military recruits are less educated and of lower aptitude than American youth. Fact: The opposite is true. More than 90% of military recruits have a high school diploma — a credential held by only about 75% of their peers.

How educated is the US military?

The vast majority of enlisted personnel (92%) have completed high school or some college. This compares with 60% of all U.S. adults ages 18 to 44. Fewer than one-in-ten enlisted personnel (7%) have a bachelor’s degree, compared with 19% of all adults ages 18 to 44.

What level of education is required for the military?

In addition to being a United States citizen or permanent resident alien, you must have a high school diploma or GED to join the Army as an enlisted member. You must also meet height, weight and overall physical health standards. The minimum score you can get on the ASVAB test is a 31.

What percent of Afghanistan can read?

Adult literacy rate is the percentage of people ages 15 and above who can both read and write with understanding a short simple statement about their everyday life. Afghanistan literacy rate for 2018 was 43.02%, a 11.57% increase from 2011.

Which branch of the military is the most educated?

However, perhaps because of these advantageous living standards, the Air Force also has the most stringent education and aptitude requirements, making it one of the most challenging branches to join.

What percentage of the military is college educated?

82.8 percent of U.S. military officers in 2010 had at least a bachelor’s degree, compared to 29.9 percent of the general population. 93.6 percent of enlisted soldiers had at least a high school diploma, compared to 59.5 percent of America.

Does your degree matter for military?

For one thing, the requirement of a college degree is simply a box for officer candidates to check. It doesn’t matter to the armed forces where you went to school, what you studied, or how well you did—short of a minimal GPA level of about 2.5 out of 4.0.

Does the military age you faster?

Veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan appear to be growing old before their time. An ongoing study at a U.S. Veterans Affairs hospital in Boston has found emerging evidence that even combat troops in their 20s and 30s are showing early signs of heart disease, slowed metabolisms and diabetes.

Can high school dropouts join the military?

Under Defense Department policy, 10 percent of new recruits are allowed to be high-school dropouts who have passed the high school equivalency test and score well on armed services entrance exams.

Is it hard to get into the military?

The Odds Are Against You It’s really hard to get into a military service academy. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 41,989 people applied to the five military academies for the Class of 2023. However, there are only about 4,100 slots available each year.

What is China’s literacy rate?

Global literacy rates According to UNESCO, literacy is a human right, especially in a fast-changing and technology-driven world. In China, the literacy rate has developed from 79 percent in 1982 to 97 percent in 2010, indicating that almost one million people per year had become literate over three decades.