What is GSPS in ADC?

The high-speed 2.5GSPS ADC is a 12-bit single-chip sampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) that can operate at a conversion rate of up to 2.5 Gigabits per second (GSPS). The high-speed 2.5GSPS ADC combines wide input bandwidth, high sampling rate and excellent linearity.

What is ADC precision?

The ADC precision is the number of distinguishable ADC inputs (e.g., 4096 alternatives, 12 bits). The ADC range is the maximum and minimum ADC input (e.g., 0 to +3.3V). The ADC resolution is the smallest distinguishable change in input (e.g., 3.3V/4095, which is about 0.81 mV).

How do you read ADC output?

ADC has a resolution of one part in 4,096, where 212 = 4,096. Thus, a 12-bit ADC with a maximum input of 10 VDC can resolve the measurement into 10 VDC/4096 = 0.00244 VDC = 2.44 mV. Similarly, for the same 0 to 10 VDC range, a 16-bit ADC resolution is 10/216 = 10/65,536 = 0.153 mV.

Is higher ADC resolution better?

An ADC converts analog signals into digital signals in electronic systems. The key fea- ture of an ADC is the accuracy (resolution) it offers. The higher the desired accuracy, the higher the ADC cost.

Which ADC is more accurate?

Detailed Solution. Dual slope integration type ADC has the highest accuracy.

What is ADC value in MRI?

Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) is a measure of the magnitude of diffusion (of water molecules) within tissue, and is commonly clinically calculated using MRI with diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) 1.

What is ADC reading?

Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) transform an analog voltage to a binary number (a series of 1’s and 0’s), and then eventually to a digital number (base 10) for reading on a meter, monitor, or chart. The number of binary digits (bits) that represents the digital number determines the ADC resolution.

What is the most accurate ADC?

“LTC2378-20 is the first 20bit SAR ADC on the market offering ±0.5ppm typical integral nonlinearity [INL] error with a guaranteed specification of 2ppm maximum over temperature, making it the most accurate ADC in the industry.

How do I choose the right ADC?

ADC Selection Criteria to Consider

  1. Resolution refers to the number of output bits that the ADC can generate per conversion.
  2. Speed has to do with the device’s sampling rate – in other words, what is the highest number of conversions per second that the ADC can handle?
  3. Accuracy is relatively straightforward.

Which is the fastest ADC?

Flash ADC
Flash ADC (Fastest) The flash ADC is the fastest type available. A flash ADC uses comparators, one per voltage step, and a string of resistors. A 4-bit ADC will have 16 comparators, an 8-bit ADC will have 256 comparators.

What is high ADC value?

An ADC of tissue is expressed in units of mm2/s. There is no unanimity regarding the boundaries of the range of normal diffusion, but ADC values less than 1.0 to 1.1 x 10-3 mm2/s (or 1000-1100 x 10-6 mm2/s) are generally acknowledged in adults as indicating restriction.