What is an epic Can you give 5 examples of epic?

Examples of Epics in Literature: Famous Narrative Poems

  • Characteristics of Epics. The word epic comes from the Greek for word, poem or story.
  • The Odyssey by Homer.
  • The Divine Comedy by Dante.
  • Paradise Lost by John Milton.
  • Don Juan by Lord Byron.
  • Metamorphoses by Ovid.
  • Beowulf by Unknown.
  • The Cantos by Ezra Pound.

What is the best epic story?


1 The Iliad/The Odyssey by Homer 4.06 avg rating — 69,353 ratings score: 3,364, and 34 people voted
2 The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien 4.51 avg rating — 618,661 ratings score: 3,152, and 33 people voted
3 Beowulf by Unknown 3.46 avg rating — 272,387 ratings score: 2,977, and 31 people voted

What is an epic story?

Epic Stories are longer and more complex in nature than other types of stories. They may be individually or collaboratively written. Usually an “epic story” has a protagonist or main character or characters that go through a variety of experiences which reveal who they are over time.

How do you write an epic example?

How to Write an Epic?

  • Step 1: Name the epic. Before you can start planning the details of the epic, you need to give it a clear, concise title.
  • Step 2: Write a narrative explaining the epic.
  • Step 3: Establish the scope for the epic.
  • Step 4: Define completion for the epic.
  • Step 5: Break the epic down into stories.

Which is the biggest epic in the world?

Mahabharata is the world’s largest epic, in its present form it contains eighteen chapters and thousands of verses. It tells us about the story of the Pandavas, the Kauravas, and the other important kings who were once ruled the great land known as the bharata-varsha.

What is the best epic poem?

10 of the Best Epic Poems Everyone Should Read

  1. Anonymous, Epic of Gilgamesh.
  2. Homer, The Iliad.
  3. Homer, The Odyssey.
  4. Apollonius of Rhodes, The Argonautica.
  5. Virgil, The Aeneid.
  6. Anonymous, Beowulf.
  7. Dante, The Divine Comedy.
  8. Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene.

Which is the biggest epic?

Is Harry Potter an epic?

At first glance, Harry Potter fulfils most of the criteria to be counted as an epic fantasy. The story is epic in scale, unfolding over seven novels (and eight long movies), the latter four of which are quite large.

Is an epic a poem?

An epic poem, or simply an epic, is a lengthy narrative poem typically about the extraordinary deeds of extraordinary characters who, in dealings with gods or other superhuman forces, gave shape to the mortal universe for their descendants.

How do you start an epic?

Begin in Media Res Most epic poems begin “in Media Res,” which means “in the middle of things.” In “The Iliad,” the poem begins after the Trojan War has already started. Beginning in this way allows your reader to feel as though he is thrust into the action and provides immediate excitement for the reader.

Which is the first epic in India?

The Ramayana and the Mahabharata, which were originally composed in Sanskrit and later translated into many other Indian languages, and the Five Great Epics of Tamil literature and Sangam literature are some of the oldest surviving epic poems ever written.