Who has the highest HP in League of Legends?

Nunu (with skills involved) the most health any champion can obtain is 13195.95, being a level 18 Nunu with: All health runes and masteries: 9 Scaling Marks of Health (+87,48HP) 9 Scaling Glyphs of Health (+87,48HP)

Who has the highest health regen in league?

List of champions’ health regeneration

Champion Level Top 5 champions Bottom 5 champions
Level 1 1. Vi 1. Darius 2.5 hp5
2. Illaoi 2. Singed 3 hp5
3. Ornn 3. Amumu 3. Sylas 3. Cho’Gath 3. Nasus 3. Ekko 3. Volibear 3. Skarner 3. Akali 3.25 hp5

Who has the highest base magic resist in League of Legends?

Trundle, yielded a total of approximately 1297 magic resistance. This is the highest possible amount of magic resistance, which is 92.

Who has the lowest HP LOL?

lowest at level 1:

  • anivia (420)
  • annie (424)
  • lux (424)
  • heimerdinger (425)
  • soraka (426)

Who has the highest armor in league?

List of champions’ armor

Champion Level Top 5 champions
Level 1 1. Leona 1. Braum 47 armor
2. Pyke 45 armor
3. Alistar 44 armor
4. Tahm Kench 42 armor

What champion does the most damage in League of Legends?

These League of Legends champions have the highest attack damage at level 1

  • Renekton (69 AD) Renekton is known as a bully in lane and his 69 Attack Damage at the start of the game surely reflects that.
  • Ornn (69 AD)
  • Kalista (69 AD)
  • Cho’Gath (69 AD)
  • Lee Sin (70 AD)
  • Tryndamere (72 AD)

Where is sett from League of Legends?

the Boss. Though now a powerful player in Ionia’s flourishing criminal underworld, Sett had humble origins. Born from an Ionian vastaya and a Noxian human, the “half-beast” child was an outcast from the start. His birth appalled his mother’s vastayan community, which expelled the family for violating its tribal norms.

How much damage does armor reduce in lol?

Stacking Armor By definition, armor does not give diminishing returns of effective health. Each additional point of armor increases the effective health pool (against physical damage) by 1% of your maximum health.

What does Shadow Flame do?

Best understood as a burst item, Shadowflame will give you a whopping 100 AP. Upon damaging an enemy champion, the unique passive Cinderbloom will add 10-20 Magic Penetration (10 at 1000 health, 20 at 2500 health), giving this item a hefty boost of execute damage against low-health and squishy champions.