What marmeladov means?

Marmeladov reflects the themes of guilt and suffering that Raskolnikov later shares. Dostoevsky suggests that suffering is the only path to redemption.

What is the nickname for Raskolnikov’s sister?

Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikov (“Dunya,” “Dunechka”) Raskolnikov’s sister. Dunya is as intelligent, proud, and good-looking as her brother, but she is also moral and compassionate.

What does the name Razumikhin mean?

Dmitri Prokofych Razumikhin’s surname derives from the Russian word “ум” or “разум” (phonetic pronunciation: razum) meaning intelligence. Razumikhin is the optimist within the pessimistic novel and the “intellectual shock absorber” (Brody 123).

How old is Polenka?

In the Marmeladov household, the ten year old Polenka, must take care of her younger siblings and help her mother with the daily chores.

What does Raskolnikov mean in Russian?

Raskolnikov is the protagonist of the novel, and the story is told almost exclusively from his point of view. His name derives from the Russian word raskolnik, meaning “schismatic” or “divided,” which is appropriate since his most fundamental character trait is his alienation from human society.

What does Svidrigailov dream mean?

It could symbolize the darkness of his soul or it could herald his doom. Perhaps it is all. It is difficult to determine Dostoevsky’s intent in placing this villain in a storm shortly before he bares his soul through the dream. Before the dream, Svidrigailov goes to a hotel to find refuge from the storm.

How are Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov similar?

Svidrigailov and Raskolnikov are both criminals in the novel Crime and Punishment, but they are very different in the execution and intention behind their crimes, the justice (or lack thereof) they face, and the ways they interact with Sonia, a girl who they both admire.