What is short communication in journal?

Short communication is the precise and concise version of research paper (in brief) respecting the journal’s word limit that is credited with some unique, finding/breakthrough/significant improvement and requires immediate/quick communication for drawing attention to the scientific/ research community at the earliest.

Is Biochemical Journal A good journal?

Within the 297 journals in the JCR category of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Biochemical Journal is ranked 95th, within the top 25% of journals in the category. The average age of articles cited by the Biochemical Journal, where 50% of the articles cited will have been published in the last 6 years or so.

Is biochemical and biophysical research communications a good journal?

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications is the premier international journal devoted to the very rapid dissemination of timely and significant experimental results in diverse fields of biological research. Research Areas now include: Biochemistry. Biophysics.

Is Biochemical Journal Open Access?

The Biochemical Journal is a hybrid journal, offering the option to publish open access (OA), and is published by Portland Press on behalf of the Biochemical Society.

How do you write a short communication journal?

Short Communications are limited to 3000 words and are not subdivided. The paper should contain an abstract, main body and references, and contain no more than 6 figures or tables, combined. The abstract is limited to 100 words.

Is short communication considered as publication?

”A Short Communication is not a publication that contains too few or preliminary data to justify a full paper. It should report “urgent data” that should be communicated to the scientific community prior to the completion of the full investigation.

What referencing does Biochemical Journal use?

How do you cite a book in the Biochemical Journal referencing style? Last Name, F. N. (2000) Title (Editor Last Name, E. F. N., ed.) Edition., Publisher, City.

What is the impact factor of Biochem Biophys Res Commun?

3.575Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications / Impact Factor (2020)

How do you cite a biochemistry paper?

Basic Format: A; Author, B. B; Author, C. C. Title of Article. Journal Abbreviation (italics) [Online if online] Year (boldface), Volume (italics), Pagination.

What is the difference between research paper and short communication?

Original research articles are detailed studies reporting original research conducted by the author. Short papers are usually a concise format used to report significant improvements to existing methods or a new practical application. Short paper is normally 3-5 pages long.

Is short communication a research article?

Short Communications are short papers that present original and significant research that needs to be published quickly. A short communication article may focus on a hot topic or may have new findings that are expected to have a significant impact on a current problem, for example, an epidemic outbreak.